The battle

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     Denki's P.O.V
        Monoma ran towards Bakugo in an attempt to steal his quirk. But we had a plan, Bakugo yelled "Sero! Protect Kaminari! We can't let Monoma get his quirk!" Quick as lightning, Monoma turned and ran at me. He touched me and cackled "I have his quirk now!" He then tried to use it which resulted in him frying himself and Kendo.
      Now we had Ibara. She had protected herself from the electric shock with her vines, and damn, she was praying the whole time. I looked at Bakugo and nodded, he then proceeded to blast her, slowly pushing her towards the ocean.
       When he finally stopped the was shoulder deep in the water, I then called all of the fish I could, and they came. They tangled themselves in her hair, and seemed to distract her. Then Bakugo did his famous right hook and knocked her out. We smiled at each other and started walking back to the meeting point with the rest of the crew.

              Sero's P.O.V
      They worked flawlessly together without words, and I couldn't help but being jealous. When did he form that connection with Kaminari? They started to walk back to the meet up point and I followed.
      When we got back Captain Aizawa smirked and started to talk to Captain Vlad. We won, the rest of the crew hugged us all and laughed. We then decided that we would have a party, a victory party. And I half-heartedly agreed.
        I went back to my room and sat on my bed in silence, then I decided what I would do. I would impress Kaminari at the party. I prepared some stylish clothes and worked on my smile in the mirror.

Sorry! I didn't know this had any reads...... I entirely forgot about this book and then kaminariikun reminded me! They are awsome! Read the story, voted, commented, seriously go follow them! I'll try to update more cause I have time due to selfquarentine, but earlier I had to adjust to the new life in lockdown....... Thanks if you stuck with me!

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