(chapter 2 )history of derry

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Eddie and Stanley arrive to class were everyone is already seated and the teacher, Mrs smith, which he knew by the giant name written across the black board. She had already started taking the role. "Stanley Uris" the teacher yelled out . "present miss". Stanley was a top student with awards in every lesson. Science, math,history, english any lesson you name and he could do better then anyone else. "eddie Corcoran?". "I heard h-he d-died " said a kid Eddie had never seen before. He was Tall with brown hair, tan skin and a stutter. "Stop over reacting Bill he's probably just sick" Mrs Smith said in a calm yet panicky voice. "And class we have a new kid, Eddie Kasprack. Would you like to come up and introduce yourself?". He slowly walked up to the front of the class seeing out of the corner of his eyes everyone staring at him with a blank look. "Hi um i'm Eddie, *cough* Eddie Kasprack,". He makes his way back to his seat next to Stanley who is clapping for Eddie. "He seems nice " he said in his head. Mrs Smith starts talking about the history of Derry, Eddie is very interested in the backstories of towns and how they came to be. "a few years ago the black smith burnt down killing everyone inside except one small child who hid in another room until the emergency services arrived, his parents skin was burnt to the bone, well at least that's what had been said on the radio." Eddie was shocked, he didn't think something so big could happen in a town so small. "MIKE WAS THE ONE WHO SURVIVED" yelled a tall boy with black glasses and black hair that covered his forehead. "Shut up richie!" mike whisper yelled to Richie, jabbing him in the arm meaning for him to shut up and stop talking. *DING* went the bell as it hit 10:25 which is recess. Well that's what Stan had told him. They walk into the yard and see Henry , Belch and Victor all standing in a line with blank smiles on there face, it seemed like they had no expression what so ever.

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