(chapter 5) the house on neibolt

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They stood standing infront of a giant house. Broken, falling to pieces, it looked like something you would see in a horror movie. " i don't think this is a good idea Bill" said Stan staring at the house, his face looked scared, he was scared, will all are. Except for Bill. He has a thought that Georgie might still be alive. We all know the truth he just doesn't want to except it. Bill started walking to the door which was almost torn down. The house looked like it went through a tornado. He pushed the door and there was a large creak followed by a big rat running out right past Bills shoe. The losers stand in the same spot they started, not following Bill to the door. "C-come on g-g-guys we n-need to g-go" Bill yelled kind of scaring his friends into following. They enter the horror house to find a large set of stairs leading into what they thought was the basement. They all walked down the steps, a creek with every step taken, as they reach the bottom of the stare case Richie yells "SOMETHING JUST GRABBED MY FOOT". "shut up trash mouth" laughed Eddie even though he was probably the most scared out of all of them. As they walked around the bottom of the house they see a giant well sitting right in the middle of it. It was a rather big well, could fit a whole person in it maybe even more. Out of no where 2 white hands popped over the side of the well. "beep beep Richie" the unknown creature said. Richie turned around only to see his friends were not behind him. He started panicking, yelling his friends names while. The "thing" popped its head out and that's then he saw the clown. It had blood in its mouth and bright yellow eyes, they couldn't be real, could they?. "i'm PennyWise the dancing clown " IT laughed in the scariest voice he had ever heard. Even scarier then Henry Bowers when he's mad. He grabbed the nearest rock and threw it at PennyWise sending it down the well. He never heard it hit the floor. His friends suddenly appeared right next to him. "DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT" Richie yelled at the loser. " see w-what r-richie" Bill asked. "THE CLOWN, IT WAS IN THE WELL" he said pointing to the giant death hole. "that's we're i-it lives" Bill said, all the losers staring at him then to the well. "i don't know who would wanna live in that fuckin thing" Eddie said. " it's so dirty, do you know how many infections you would get, and all the bacteria" he said as he gagged and reached for his asthma puffer once again. They walked but up they stares still eyeing the well making show nothing come up to chase after them, or more likely kill them. They walk into a new room seeing a familiar face. It was Betty Ripsom, the girl who died last summer, but she was alive? "she's alive!?" Richie asked his friends in's shock. " no she can't be" Stan states. "t-they n-never found h-her body, she could still be alive. A-and shes r-right here" Bill said stuttering at lot. The girl was suddenly pulled back by a giant force disappearing from the losers view.

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