(chapter 3) the playground

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The bullies stand in a perfectly symmetrical line with blank looks on there cold , pale faces. Henry's mullet looks tangled and messy he looks like he just got into a fight, and lost. They start walking in a robot like way all stiff and exactly in sync. It was scary seeing them looked kinda possessed in a way. All 3 of them looked like they had no brain and wanted to eat ours. The losers bolted, that's what they call themselves, Bill, Stanley, Richie and now Eddie. He felt like he belonged with these people. He thought he could finally make some real friends, well unless Henry kills them which they all know he is fully capable of doing. They ran until they couldn't run anymore. Eddie wasn't out of shape or anything but he was the first to start slowing down, He never got the chance do sports because of his asthma and his mum was to worried about him getting hurt. Eddie was wheezing uncontrollably and falling way behind the rest of his friends. They noticed him struggling and slowed down to Eddies speed. Henry and his friends soon caught up to the losers and cornered them into the side of the school. "so you losers are friends with the new kid. Weirdos, new kids you guys should be friends"
His eyes were still blank and had no expression while talking which made it 10 x scarier. Bill felt no fear against Henry Bowers or anything in that case after the death of his little brother Georgie Denbourgh. They still don't know how he was murdered but everyone in Derry had been very cautious especially when being alone. Bill stood in front of the rest of the losers and yelled "Y-YOU S-SUCK BOWERS"
"Did you say sumthin b-b-Billy" Henry laughed while making fun of his stutter. It was weird seeing Henry laugh because a few minutes ago he had no emotion but after making fun of Bill he came back from his trance like stage. Victor and Belch were standing a few meters behind Henry just laughing and not saying anything because even though they are friends he doesn't care about anyone. Stan saw the principal walking rather quickly towards were the losers who were being threatened by the bullies. By the time he came over Henry and his friends had already ran away because they have gotten into trouble many times for harassing students and staff and one more time they all get expelled. Stanley laughs with joy just thinking about how great it would be if none of them were here. No bullies, no threats then boom schools better. The bell rings rather loudly, only for the losers and the rest of the school to find out it wasn't the bell it's was actually an evacuation. The whole school safely and calmly exited the school. Bill knew everyone was secretly scared because the school have never had an evacuation. "Wow an evacuation on my first day, what good luck" Eddie giggled as the rest of the losers joined in. Over the loud speaker the losers find out what was so bad that they had to get out of the school immediately.

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