Grounded on Birthday

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After that, 3 months past of us fucking. 

The sex was great, he never wanted more, and I was kinda ok with that. 

"So" Lantavis said rolling his naked body on top of me " wanna go to a party?" He asked and I nod "sure". 

Bad fucking idea. 

I get home and look at dad "can i go to a party?"I ask him and mom looked up "nope" they both said. 

Billie POV

Years ago, if me and Brandon could easily get stoned and make babies in an hour, I don't wanna know what could happen in a few hours.

"Please! I'll text every hour" Melanie pled and we still shake our heads. "Please! I'll be good! I'll be home at 11!" She said getting on her knees. 

"Come on let the kid go" Claudia laughed and I look at her "you remember the shit we pulled at parties?" Prince said and shook his head "no fucking way". 

"Melanie's a good kid" Finneas nodded. 

I look at her on the floor and she smiled wide "come on! My birthday is next week! Early gift" she smiled and I roll my eyes. 

"Ok" I mumble. 

She squealed and ran up the stairs "ion like it" Brandon said and I nod. "Now what could she do?" Finneas laughed. 

"Dude if we could get stoned and create babies in a hour" I say and he looked at me "right and they weren't even trying too" Emma said and laughed. 

Danielle laughed with her. "Me and Lai could get in three fights and go three rounds in thirty minutes" Danielle nodded and I look at Finneas. 

"See!" I exclaim "I don't trust it, I'd something happens,"I say and point and Claudia and Finneas. 

"Its your faults" I smirk. 

Melanie POV

I shower and get dressed, ready to leave. 

The doorbell rung and as I ran down the stairs, dad opened the door. Dad looked at me and I blush, "close friend" I say and pull down my skirt. 

"So we only friends" Lantavis smirked and Dad looked at me. I run and push him out  "bye daddy!" I yell. 

Brandon POV

"She only says 'daddy' when she bouta get in trouble" I huff, shutting the door. "Why yall trippin?" Finneas laughs. "Because, she gon fuck up" I say and everyone agreed except them two. 

Next Morning 
September 11
Billie POV

I woke up and walked to Melanie's room, peaking in, she was asleep. She didn't come home til 12 am, she had left at 5. 

Last Night 
Melanie POV 

I walk in and the smell of alcohol and weed hit me, I know what weed smells like because of mom, but she stopped with the weed and just went to cigarettes and still looks beautiful, and perfect teeth. 

"Want a edible?" Lantavis asked and I nod. 

I ate a few gummies and Lan walked behind me, he started doing lines "come on babe" he smirked.

I shake my head and he nodded "no rush" he said and wiped his nose. 

I only ate the gummies that night. 


I woke up and slowly looked around, I check my phone and it was 11. I slowly stood and walked to the bathroom, I shower, and brush my teeth. I throw up my sex hair from last night and Lan texted. 

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