XI || The Four Horsemen

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"What in the world are those?" Even as she voices the question, Lena isn't sure if she wants an answer.

"Demons," Casper answers. "But I have no idea how they got on academy grounds."

"Ugh, and pretty fast ones, too," Neesha comments. "Thankfully they aren't too good at climbing."

Apparently, while Lena is out cold — or whatever — Neesha and Reyes have been busy. Using Neesha's abilities, the mini slope that was the key of their escape has now broken down, all in crumbles. Now, the enclosure is just like a stadium from above with a part of it that's out of place, making the circumference imperfect.

Though a part of her is screaming not to look, Lena forces her gaze down.

Dogs? No, wolves? Or somewhere in between — giant hound dogs with threatening snouts and fierce, sharp teeth. At least ten of them circle the space below, hunting. Their forms seem to flicker, like dark shadows.

"Um, are they real?" Lena finds her question stupid, but she means to ask.

As if to answer, one of them jumps and snarls at them, and the earth beneath that comes in contact with it trembles. Being above, they feel the shake all too clearly.

"Okay, okay."

"They aren't too strong of a demon, but they sure are fast," Casper explains, walking up next to Lena. "Basically, the six of us are capable of taking them down, given our abilities. Just that... they appeared when we were climbing. It was plain luck we got everyone up in time, because, you know, wouldn't be too nice if you got attacked while you're halfway up. Plus, that bone rattling earthquake..." He frowns, looking around.

Following his gaze, Lena realises she hasn't given credit to what has just become of the academy since the last she saw it — which was like, at most, an hour or so ago — because all they were focusing on was the underground and the demons. But once a macro view is taken into their eyes...

The entire place is absolutely stunning. Though she doesn't know where the academy building has gone, she doesn't bother. Before her, vast open canyons spread, different so massive and natural. In every crack of diversifying highs and lows, a chasm or abyss drops to the unknown. The sight is plain beauty. It is difficult to believe it's shaped by someone known as Lucifer, and even harder to fathom that death awaits those who stay below.

"Okay, so we have demons," Lena says, not taking her eyes off the entire view of the reshaped academy grounds. She finds herself repeating once more the concern she had when she was down in the majestic canyon. "Does this happen often?"

"Actually." Reyes stands, looking around and scratching his head. "City of Leatia itself has lurking demons — I'm pretty sure you know that, right?"

Lena nods, though she is dreading this fact ever since she's arrived. Another fun fact of the City of Leatia? Demons coexist with humans. She is hoping to avoid it, trying to pretend that the fact isn't in place to cancel out her fear. Being the most advanced region in the world has its own unique price to pay: there are more to fear than the dark or perhaps flying cars. She isn't clear on the details — and isn't really keen about it, really — but she knows for sure that it was because of some experiment gone wrong that opened up a portal to the other world. Thankfully, the gifts of superhuman abilities — therefore Catalysts — are able to keep humans in position and not devoured.

The question still remains to day, though, whether demons or the abilities first showed. It is the version of the chicken-or-egg question from back in Lena's old home.

Fortunately for her, she hasn't countered anything like that, at least, not alone and in the open city with people milling around. at least, not the non-passive types she's seen this morning floating around. These dogs down there don't seem to be passive at all.

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