XIX || Shadow Syndicate

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His gaze flickers briefly onto her as she turns, and their eyes meet for a very ephemeral, somewhat surreal moment.

The next she knows, as though Caelus hasn't noticed Lena at all, his eyes move toward Roen, then to the side of the corridor, where he carelessly puts one palm against the dull, dusk pink brick surface.

Great. Of all people she has to be on bad terms with, she has to pick the Ace, who is not only intimidating but is supposedly her only hope for the duel!

She winces at his complete dismissal at the sight of her. Excellent. But at the rate things are going, Lena is beyond grateful he hasn't blasted her out of the corridors.

With Roen's words of advice in mind, she decides to calm the storm in her mind. She takes a deep breath, not riding her wave of emotions or jumping to conclusions. Instead, she watches as Caelus caress the wall he has his palm on, where his fingers find a particular brick. He taps it lightly, a few times in a weird rhythm and some sort of combination, and a part of the wall slides open.

He strides into the now revealed room uninvited, pretty much like he owns it. Lena follows him dumbly, her mind evidently not thinking straight. But Caelus doesn't look back at her, though she knows for sure he senses her presence. His lean back tenses when she tails him. Roen calls after him and enters the room himself. When the three are through, the wall door behind them slides close and clicks shut.

The answering voice, however, does not belong to Caelus.

"Welcome back, Caelus."

When light adjusts for Lena's eyes, she finds herself back in the office of Arcana. Uh oh. The last thing she needs reminding of is about the test she hasn't even a clue about, much less complete or pass it.

Instinctively, she backs away, edging her way behind Caelus more cautiously and towards Roen whom she is sure will be on her side.

"Hey, where's Neesha?" Roen asks Caelus.

Caelus shrugs. Lena rolls her eyes, knowing for sure he knows where she's gone. She was obviously with him right after their encounter with Lucifer.

But Caelus answers after a moment, as if reading Lena's thoughts though he still has his back against her. "This doesn't concern her. Or you two, for that matter."

Before Lena can slap a remark back into his face which will definitely not end pretty, Arcana saves her from a certain death. He chuckles, then says, "Now, don't be so hostile. Roen — he's your best friend, is he not? And Lena here is new."

Arcana does not move from his seat, his hands together, fingers crossed. They lie nearly on the desk as he studies Caelus, then lifts his eyes briefly to Roen and to Lena, who finally steps out to stand beside Caelus — although purposefully quite some distance away — and meet the principal's gaze.

Arcana lets out a soft but evidently exasperated sigh. He cocks an eyebrow in Caelus' direction, but his eyes shift briefly towards Roen in the corner of the room. "This is why you are frequently feared. And it is not because you have powers beyond measure. Your amiability, it seems, still requires some work and effort."

Caelus' eyes flashes dangerously to Arcana, an accusing, perilous stare Lena is no stranger to. Without meaning to, she has taken a step away from him. But there is something else on his face under the hostility, a human expression — embarrassment. A little pink flush creeps across his pale face, and Lena steals a quick glance over at him to be certain. As soon as it appears, though, it vanishes, replaced by a very light scowl, and his eyes train to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she catches Arcana flashing Roen a quirk of an eyebrow, and Roen stifles a grin.

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