XXXV || Combat Training

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"Line up not to your homeroom classes, but to your ability categories," commands Professor Burgundy.

There is some confusion in the air that makes the students stumble as they struggle to get into position. Since this isn't their normal drill, uncertain students bump into each other and form multiple lines before they eventually narrow down into four lines. Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, Vermillion Bird, and White Tiger.

Lena is glad for Neesha's company at the Azure Dragon line. From Professor Burgundy's view, Azure Dragon stands to his left, harbouring the most students, following Black Tortoise and Vermillion Bird and finally, the White Tiger line stands to his right. Only, the last line doesn't exactly make up a line at all. There are only exactly three students in the White Tiger line. Other than that, Black Tortoise holds only about fifteen students at most and Vermillion Bird takes up the average.

Professor Burgundy considers the sight before him, taking in the numbers and the faces of the students. "The exact depiction of the population of the City of Leatia." Then, he justifies, "For Catalysts. Excluding the non-ability users."

Lena casts a look around. Approximately sixty students from all three classes of first-years, divided into the four categories. The conjurers only make up less than seven percent of the population.

Bellona and two other guys she doesn't recognise stand at the White Tiger line, the shy girl hiding behind her long front hair. Lena briefly recalls what her ability grants Bellona, remembering the plumes of soft and dreamy pinky-purple substances drifting around them in the canyon.

Because of the stereotype that White Tiger, the conjurers, typically rule the top part of the hierarchy, Lena never once stopped to consider that not all conjurers are the offensive play type of abilities. There might be those that simply create items, not necessarily summon storms. She supposes that not all White Tiger Catalysts are offensively powerful, and not all are threateningly superior.

Another thing Lena notes is Clarice, who is standing in the Black Tortoise line. The bespectacled, pompous girl had claimed to be the best clairvoyant in Arcane Academy upon Lena's arrival, challenging the new girl. Lena's own desk and personalised screen had "Clairvoyance" registered as her ability, but although the two girls share the same ability name, they are classified differently.

But as she turns her attention to the other two boys she doesn't recognise, a thought flits across Lena's mind. She looks around for Nova, one of the top students in her year, and in fact the second ranking student of Arcane Academy.

He isn't a conjurer. That's a first. Lena always thought him to be one.

Curious, Lena tugs at Neesha's sleeve. "Nova isn't a White Tiger?"

Neesha turns slightly, careful not to let the instructor notice. "He's in our line. Azure Dragon."

Sure enough, when Lena scans the densely packed line more carefully, she finds the boy at the very back of the line, standing as if he's extremely bored. He might as well pass for a zombie, if not for his eyes following the buzz of a bug around.

"Now," begins Professor Burgundy, "White Tiger, since there are only three of you, please divide yourselves among the remaining three. The exercise today need not four groups, anyway."

At the instruction, Bellona scrambles away the quickest, standing in line with the Azure Dragon. The next boy follows into the Black Tortoise line, but the last boy does not move. He has short sandy hair, and Lena strains to see his face because the colour strikes a low-key resemblance to Roen, only his hair is shorter and not gelled, and perhaps slightly lighter in shade.

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