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January 3rd. 2020.

Finn woke up with a jolt.

His phone notifications were spiraling.

He threw his phone down, biting his lip.

He knew what was happening, well, he didn't quite know but he had a vague idea.

He finally decided to check it after the notifications had gone on too long.

His notifications finally stopped and he went onto the site.

There was photos, with little articles written underneath.

One caught his eye.

It was of him and Jack, kissing at a party.

A freshman party.

Finn's eyes go wide.

"Finn Wolfhard kisses Jack Gayzer at a party for a dare. Turns out it wasn't just a dare. Or  so we think," And there was a recent picture of them kissing on the balcony.

"No-No, No!" He screams, throwing his phone on his bed.

Tears fall out of his eyes and he picks it up again, as one final notification pings in.

It's from Jack.

The only words are "I hate you."

And that's when his mind goes blank.

July 5th. 2020.

Jaeden wakes up covered in sweat.

His new boyfriend, Alex, lays next to him.

He had a night mare, well, a dream, a memory, a flashback, whatever you want to call it.

The day that ruined everything.

It was valentine's day, in 8th grade.

Jaeden was closeted and had only ever told Millie as she was the "ring leader" and apparently, his best friend.

He told her how much he adored Wyatt and she wanted to do something about it.

She hated gay people though, not that Jaeden knew, so she didn't do what you would normally do.

She put flyers around the school, exposing Jaeden's sexuality and his crush on Wyatt.

And when he confronted her, she denied it and said it was another girl that Jaeden was good friends with at the time, Annie.

Jaeden was seriously hurt and left the school crying.

He didn't even talk to Annie about it like he normally would, and stayed in his room for days.

Except, Jaeden never knew it was Millie until he had the flashback in his dream.

When he came back to school the following week, everyone stared at him and there was a note on his locker.

"Meet me in the Janitors Closet. - W."

Jaeden goes red as as he takes the note.

People walk by, giving him dirty looks.

Some smile discreetly at him.

Finn comes over and pats his shoulder.

Jaeden wipes his eyes and walks into the janitors closet.

Wyatt is biting his lip, looking at his feet.

"H-hey," He stutters out, awkwardly.

"Why did you wanna meet me here?" Jaeden's voice is soft and delicate, almost like if he spoke to loud his voice would break into a thousand pieces.

Wyatt stares at him.

"I'm sorry, but I don't- What I'm trying to say is, I have a girlfriend. You know that. I'm not gay. I don't think I even want to be around you right now. I'm sorry, Jae, but I can't be friends with you right now."

Wyatt storms out, leaving Jaeden broken with tears streaming down his face.

Wyatt and Jaeden weren't really that close in the group after that.

Jaeden blinks rapidly, yawning.

Alex smirks, and gets on top of him, kissing his neck lightly.

Jaeden bites his lip.

"Good morning, beautiful," Alex looks up. "What's wrong?"

Jaeden pants a bit.

"Bad dream," He mutters.

Alex nods.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks, softly.

Jaeden blinks back tears and pushes him off him, gently.

"No. It's okay. I'm gonna go get ready," He whispers.

He gets up and locks him self in the bathroom, dissolving in his own tears.


Wyatt also woke up with a start.

He had hooked up with another random girl, and bit his lip as she stirred in her sleep.

He dreamt of the first time him and Jaeden kissed.

It was at Finn's seventeenth party.

They were drinking and smoking like dumb teenagers do.

They ended up playing spin the bottle and of course, Wyatt got Jaeden.

They were both really tipsy and went up to Finn's room together.

Jaeden was giggling, "I thought you hated me,"

Wyatt smirks.

"I could never hate a cutie like you," He said, kissing his neck.

Jaeden whined a bit and Wyatt slipped off his shirt.

Wyatt had woken up before he could re-live the rest.

He looked at Felicia or whatever her name was and put on his close quickly before leaving his apartment.

"I have to find him," He mutters, hopping into his car.

He had to find the love of his life. He knew Jaeden felt it too.


Hope you guys enjoyed that one! I cant wait for Christmas!! -L🧚🏻‍♀️

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