11. Pinky Swear

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Earlier That Day...


I look down at my mother as she stares at the television against the wall.

I don't want to yell at her or make her feel bad for what happened, but I need answers. Specifically from her.

I lean back as I cross my arms. "You scared me, mom."

She doesn't look my way. "Where's your necklace?"

"What you mean?" I frown looking down to feel it dangling, but to my surprise the gold necklace she gave me is gone. "It's at my apartment, I just forgot to put it back on."

I lost my key, and now my necklace too. Just great!

Maybe Nathan has it, or-

"I didn't take them because they make me feel worse, the weight loss, the pale skin. I can't with those medications anymore." My mom looks at me dearly. "I'm sorry, Maddie. I didn't mean to scare you. Maybe it's time, maybe he's waiting for me."

I lean in closer and reach for her hand. "Please, don't say that. You just need to take care of your health and get better. You can do it, mom. I'll do everything to help you as well."

"We don't have the fees for it anyway."

"The medical aid should be enough. Stop worrying. Next week I'm going back to work." I tell her. "This can be controlled."

There's a moment of silence before she speaks again.

"Do you know why we moved here?" She asks and I tell her that we moved here for more opportunities.
She nods. "But also because I wanted you to be happy, but I can't help but think I made a mistake. I should've never let go of the memories we shared there. I know this place never felt like home to you, so do you hate me? Do you hate me that I made such a drastic choice after your father died?"

I take a deep breath in. "I know that what you did was on the best interest for the both of us, so how can I hate you for doing that?" I don't want to cry, not now.
My mother and I moved here when I was eighteen years old. I stated college and my mom got a job as a newspaper editor for some newspaper article company here in New York, but soon she fell ill, I offered her a place with Christian and I but she insisted.
"Things was just hard with Chris. Rushing into marriage and loosing a baby is what made me like this." I shrug my shoulders. "It's my own fault. I tried using him as an escape but it backfired."

A sudden realization came down on me.

It's true. I used him, just as he used me. Our love was based on selfishness.

I thought he could fix the hole in my heart, but I was wrong.
"After this, you're going to come stay with me, alright?"

My mother looks up frowning. "Huh uh, holy moly no! That's my home and besides, I'll miss Larry too much."

I laugh, taking her hand in mine. "I'm starting to think he stole you from me, mom." A short pause follows. "Are you going to miss me?"

Her brown eyes focuses on the TV once more. "Eh."

"Wow!" I smile squinting my eyes at her as she smiles in satisfaction.

A doctor enters the room. He smiles at me. "Madison, may I have a word with you outside?"

I nod, letting go of my mother's hand, but she pulls me back, leaning in towards my ear. "I'll miss you with every breath in my body. Heaven knows how much I love you, my Maddie." She whispers with a loving grace in her eyes.

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