22. Right By Your Side

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Nathan has always been rough around the edges, that's just how he is.

The snarky remarks he says without thinking, his unapologetic confidence is what he's known for, but there is a part of him that is rare, a part that makes me curious about him, a part that I'm afraid of.

I'm getting a front row seat in his life.

A life that I'm not familiar with.

It's curious to see how he handles this life and how he doesn't lose his sanity over it.

Pretending like everything is okay.

I mean, he hasn't opened up to me about his problems and issues but what human doesn't have them? Nobody is perfect right?

He keeps pushing to get to know me more and more, and I'm always the one sharing my problems with him.

Is it weird that I want him to share some things with me?
  Because I want to get to know him more as a person.

Marriage is a serious commitment between two people, so before I say yes to him I need to be completely sure.

My hand is in his, and I can't help but feel safe, so secure, and it's scary me.

Scaring me how he suddenly has this control over me and how well he handles me.

He leads me out of the room and into the hall way, and with each step I feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest, I am so nervous, it feels like I'll pass out.

"Just breathe." Nathan says calmly. "You got this."

I nod at him and to reassure myself.

We walk down the white cascading stairs and into the big showroom of the jewelry exhibition.
  The atmosphere is alive with a live jazz band playing beautifully and guests chatting whilst sipping on champagne.

I can feel people's eyes on me, probably wondering why I'm with such a well known man. I hold Nathan's hand tighter as I feel myself getting more nervous, he turns to look at me but I pretend not to notice looking away.

And there he is.

Watching me.

Silently watching my every breath with a frown in his face.

I want to turn back around and hide, but I don't, I stare back at him.

I stare back at the man that hurt me.

Nathan stops in his tracks and follows my gaze. I turn to look at him and he finally understands, knowing the man I just stared at was Christian.

"Are you okay?" Nathan simply asks, caressing my hand with his thumb.

  "I don't know."

He nods, "We won't have to stay long. I have to give a speech soon, greet some officials then I'll be done."

I nod.

"You'll stay by my side and in my sight though." He says.

  "Okay." I say looking up at him.

I scroll pass the beautiful pieces of necklaces and it's paring earrings that's on full display in the middle of the room with a glass of champagne in my hand.

   Nathan is now on the other side of the room talking to some men in suits which I'd assume are very powerful and important people including his Personal Assistant Sebastian, but every now and then I'd glance over at him only to see him already staring at me.

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