5. In My Dreams

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I wake up groaning from my slumber as I hear loud banging from my front door.

God, who is it?

I turn to my side and see my alarm clock, visibly showing in red...

1:15 AM

The loud banging continues, and I hear my name being yelled too, but I'm still half asleep to make out who's calling me. I sigh getting out of my comfy and warm bed.

This person better have a good reason for waking me up at one in the fucking morning.

Grabbing the black silk robe that was on the chair in the corner I wrap it around me. I didn't even bother looking for my slippers.
When I reach the kitchen, I switch on the light and-

"Madison! Open the goddamn door." The person yells out again. That voice is all to well familiar.


I look through the peephole and see his disheveled black hair, his grey Lakers hoodie is matched with some black shorts. But all in all, he looks like he hasn't slept in days.

He bangs the door again, which gives me a fright because I'm so close, and yells with a strain in his throat. "Madison! Please, open the door."

I slightly back away from the door as my heart beat thumps in fear. The goosebumps on my arms cause me to hug myself and find warmth in my silk robe but it's doing no justice.

What must my neighbors think?

  "Go away, Christian!" I yell back hoping he would hear me over all the rachet he's causing.

He stops. "Maddie?"




  "It's one in the morning. What the hell are you doing here, huh?"

I hear him sigh. "I just want to-"

  Interrupting him, I say. "We're not talking so fucking leave right now! I'm tired of your bullshit Christian, so just stop fucking calling me and stop showing up at my place. Jesus christ!"

"I need to check up on you. I need to make sure you're safe, make sure that you're okay."

I frown. "Why? We're not together anymore, so please leave." My eyes feel heavy as tears start forming. "Please."

"I just need to okay. They told me to. They-"

  "Who's they?" He doesn't answer. "Christian?"

I hear a groan from his side. "Madison if you don't open this fucking door right now I will break it down." The sudden bang causes me to jump in fright again. A tear slides down my cheek, my hand over my mouth.

Just like that he changes.

"I swear to God you'll regret this you fucking bitch! Open the fucking door!" In his voice is so much anger. So much hatred, but why? Why does he keep doing this to me? What is wrong with him?

He can't hurt me anymore.

I'm free from his manipulative clutches.

But my cries gets louder as he tries turning the doorknob and still violently hammering the door.

"Hey! You need to leave man. Come on, out!"

I quickly look through the peephole again and see my landlord Carl stepping in to pull Christian away from my door. Thank you Carl.

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