14. Are You Two Dating?

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It's raining as I watch the light gray clouds in the sky from my broad office window with a cup of black coffee in my right hand. On Monday's it's black coffee day.
The depressing clouds must match my face because suddenly I find myself hoping to see a ray of sunshine peep through, even just a little bit.

I take a sip of my coffee.

No, I'm not depressed.
I'm bored.

I have everything I ever wanted, everything is planned out for me, for the rest of my life, but still I'm bored.
Materialistic desires can only keep me entertained for a while, and women is just...a no. I'm not looking forward into being in dating drama again.
Maybe I should just disappear for a few months? Hmm, yeah maybe.

I hear knocking on my office door and then it opens. "How long have you've been standing there for?" Sebastian asks.

Me still looking out to the hypnotizing view infront of me. "Six." I look down at my wristwatch. "Two minutes left."

"I always admired how precise you are." He walks up to me. "Here. I think you should see this."

Seb tries showing me an article on the iPad he has in his hands.
"I already saw it."

Sebs eyes go slightly wide. "And? What are you gonna do about it? Does she know?"

I turn to look at him. "I really don't want to talk about this right now." And walk towards my desk. "Is there schedules we didn't review-"

"They said her name is the article, Nathan. Her privacy and reputation can be destroyed because of that." He slightly raises his voice to make his point clear. "They keep saying ya'll dating... Are you two dating?"

I can't help but frown. "Why so curious, hmm? You like her or something?"

He starts laughing after a few seconds. "No, that's not it at all. I'm trying to keep everything and everyone calm and happy. We need to focus on our sales and corporate investors, not some dating rumors."

Is he questioning my authority?

"That's what I'm trying to do, Sebastian."

He's just silently staring at me.

"Don't bring her up at work again. Are you done? Can we get back to work?"

"Sure boss." He stops in front of me, takes my now empty cup and walks out.

I lean back in my chair. He didn't deserve that.
But I just want to go one day without thinking or talking about Madison. She's becoming a distraction.


After attending a few meetings I was back in my office going through some infrastructure designs and developments.
I need to invest to the proper developments that is well for the environment as well as accessible but stylish designs.

Then suddenly my office phone starts ringing, I pick up and Tracy, my secretary, is on the other line. "Mr, Lane your mother will be up in a minute. She says it's urgent."


Just as I place the phone down my office door opens and in steps my mother and my niece Daisy.

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