Surprise wedding

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This idea came to me in a dream so I said why not use this idea for my story

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This idea came to me in a dream so I said why not use this idea for my story.


We all heard of suprpise parties right?Like surprise birthday party or surprise baby shower but I once witness a surprise wedding. Have you?

AZ just want his wedding to be everything that Maiding dreamed of. His own family might be against this but AZ can no longer wait for them to accept their relationship. He won't let them hinder his dream to have MD officially his.

This wedding is so well planned that every guest knows this but not the other groom. He ask MD's parents permission to marry their son secretly. MD's parents' hesitated to agree immediately because they know their wedding ceremony will be null and void in their country but they eventually agreed knowing they won't be able to stop AZ anyway. They also knew that MD will be happy to be married with AZ.

When MD and AZ finally had the chance to visit his grandfather when his parents are away from a business trip, he told his grandfather his intention of marrying MD before he passed away last year. He may not had the chance to see the wedding physically, he knows that he is with them in spirit guiding and protecting them both.

This wedding is two years in the making. They also have to put into considerations of the guests' schedule. They also want to make sure that news about them already died down so media will leave them alone.

AnZhiyan hired the wedding coordinators that created the wedding of ZhaoGao and Ellen's. He gave them his concept. Even though it will be a controversial one to accept projects such as this wedding they still accepted because he is a big client and they see it is another part of their portfolio and they accepted the challenge. Because they were given an ample time and a big budget to work on they promised to gave them their best to make MD's dream wedding come true.

MD received an invitation for a birthday party together with XQ. At first he rejected the offer because he knew how AZ don't like him being with XQ. XQ did not give up. She even offered that she will be the one to ask AZ for him. Of course he did not allowed it, he told her that he'll try but he already set an expectation that he might not be allowed to go.

At dinner MD make sure that AZ is in good mood before he opened the topic.

MD: By the way a friend of mine will be having a birthday party next week. He is actually a childhood friend that I have not introduced to you yet. He actually invited me and XQ to go to his party.

AZ: You may go! Just bring your bodyguards with you.

MD: Actually, the birthday party will be celebrated out of the country.

AZ: Sorry but I can't go. I had an important business deal with a client. I will be having my presentation with them next week.

MD: It's alright. I told them that if you are not cool with the idea of me going out of the country, I will not join them.

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