Chapter 1: The Encounter

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I was rushing to work, a modeling studio in London, when I accidentally bumped into someone. I had a hard time leaving the Holland house because Tessa kept wanting to play. Since Tom was away, his family was babysitting her.

Y/n: "I'm so sorry!" I and the other person said at the same time.

I looked up to see a quite handsome face before realizing... Tom???

He looked worried, concerned, or... Something. All I knew is that he didn't look very happy as he was looking down at his phone when we bumped into each other.

Our eyes met and I contemplated telling him all about who I was and how I knew his family, but I was in a rush and he really did look preoccupied... It'd be quite a load of information for a random encounter...

Y/n: "I'm-" I paused, "You... Uh... Look like you're worried about something," I shake my head, "I hope whatever is... It works out," I offer a small smile.

Tom: "Oh- Uh, thank you..." He returns a slight smile.

Y/n: "Yeah... Well... I'm really late for work," I chuckled as I start to walk past him, which seemed to make his smile widen, "I'm sorry again! But I hope you have a good day!" I call out behind me as I speed up my pace again.

But I couldn't believe I just ran into him like that. I've been staying with the Hollands for the past week but none of them have mentioned him coming home so that wasn't exactly how I imagined meeting him for the first time.

Maybe I'd meet him again tonight? At home? Wow, that was weird to say... Or at the party? The twins and a bunch of our mutual friends were throwing a little party by the lake like they always did when I'm in town, but I wasn't sure if that was still happening now that apparently Tom was back.

One of my bestfriends, Anna, was going to pick me up after work and go straight to the party so I wouldn't be heading back to the Hollands' just yet... Anyway, I'm SO late!


I watched the girl hurry down the street and it only hits me when she's too far gone that I didn't get her name or anything and... Did she not know who I was? Not to be conceited or anything but I was just a bit surprised when she left before mentioning my name or Spider-Man like people usually do, although she did seem to have something on her mind as well.

She was quite pretty and very sweet. Even if she did know who I was, it seemed like she tried to put my feelings first before being a fan or anything like that. Was it that obvious that I was thinking about something?

It was nothing serious, I didn't get busted for spoiling anything yet! But I just landed back in London and I was going to surprise my family with a cake to celebrate me finishing Far From Home, but the cake wasn't ready in time. My family didn't know I was back a few days earlier than expected and I couldn't wait to see them.

In the meantime, I had some time to kill while I waited for the cake... And my mind kept going back to the girl who didn't know, or perhaps jut refused, to say my name...

I ended up just sitting in a small coffee shop, which took about an hour and I was low-key glad no fans or anything spotted me or the surprise would be ruined that I was home early.

I got the cake and made my way home, but before I could even make my way to the front door, I swear Tessa could smell me because she started barking like crazy, causing my mom to look out the window. I couldn't hear her but I could tell she was screaming.

Nikki: "TOM!? YOU'RE BACK EARLY!? Oooh, what's that!?" She notices the box I'm holding.

Tom: "Surprise!!"

At that point, Tessa was jumping all over me so my mom took the cake from me and I greeted her while my dad and brothers came running down the stairs.

"You're back!"

"You're early!"

"Hey brother!"

"Hi son!"

I loved coming back home to my family, back home in general. We all sat down around the dining table to catch up and before I knew it, hours went by and it was now 8pm.

Harry: "Oh we're going to a party tonight, you want to come?"

Tom: "I don't know, I'm pretty jet-lagged..."

Paddy: "Wait... Tom hasn't even met y/n yet!"

My whole family looked at each other confused and I returned the confusion back.

Nikki: "Oh wow, I guess you're right, Paddy!"

Dom: "Wow, that's incredible," he starts to chuckle, "Oh my."

Tom: "Who's y/n?" I ask, genuinely confused, but everyone just starts laughing.

Harry: "Wow mate, that's so funny. She's a girl we've been friends with for about two years now but you've never met her because you're always gone. She's not from her either, she's from the states."

Sam: "She's been staying here though."

Tom: "Oh, is she here now?" I look around for any sign of her presence.

Two years? My brothers have had a girl friend for two years? Who stays at our house? Is she a girlfriend? Or a girl friend? Because there's a difference.


Harry: "Oh no, she's at work. She's a m-" But I catch myself and shut quickly my mouth.

I remembered that Y/n doesn't like people knowing she's a model... Guys at least, because a lot of people have tried to date her just because she's a model.

Tom: "She's a what?" He asks, catching on to my pause.

Harry: "Um... She's the reason for the party tonight!" I make up instantly, "You'd be able to meet her there if you want to come. I think she's going straight from work so she won't be coming back here even though she's staying here."

I see Sam give me a "nice save" look and Paddy just starts giggling.

Paddy: "She's really pretty Tom and she's your age!" He says excitedly, "But don't get any ideas mister! Pretty sure we're getting married," he grins and everyone laughs.

Tom: "Oh yeah, that reminds me. I bumped into a rather pretty girl earlier..." 

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