Chapter 3: "Officially"

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Work was great. I learned the hard way that modeling isn't as easy, or as luxurious, as it seems, but I still love it so it doesn't feel too much like work. I guess it helped that I liked being both behind and in front of the camera.

Anyway, it was almost 9pm and Anna was waiting outside.

When we got to the lake, a lot of our friends were already there, but none of the Hollands or Haz yet, if they were coming. I just ate a bit until someone finally showed up with a guitar, a tradition of ours. Everyone sat around the fire pit and we all just hung out, catching up, eating, singing, etc.


The world seemed to move in slow-motion.

The girl everyone was celebrating... Was the same girl I ran into earlier!?

What are the fucking chances? I thought to myself.

I felt myself getting a little light-headed and I don't even realize that Haz is talking to me.

Haz: "Hello? Tommm?" I finally hear, so I blink, only to find my brothers and Haz looking at me, pursing their lips to suppress a laugh.

Tom: "O-Oh um, y-yeah. Sorry," I shake my head, "What?"

Harry: "I know, she's really pretty, right?" He chuckles, referring to y/n.

Tom: "N-no, that's not what I-"

Haz: "I'm sure that's everyone's reaction to first meeting y/n," he laughs.

Tom: "No, I-"

Haz: "Sure, mate, sure," he says smugly, continuing to cut me off, "Oh, she sees us!"

All of sudden, the singing stops and you see the girl stand up.

Y/n: "HAZ!?" She runs up and hugs him, "I haven't seen you in forever!"

Haz: "I know," offering his pretty boy smirk, before chuckling as he hugs her back.

Y/n: "Hey guys!" She gives those half-hug, cheek-to-cheek kisses to my brothers, "Looong time no see," she jokes cheerily, everyone knew they saw each other just this morning.

Harry: "And this is Tom..." He says as he catches her looking past them, at me.

We look at each other a little blankly for a split second before a smile breaks on her lips.

Y/n: "It's nice to meet you," she says sweetly and she takes a step forward and hugs me.

I freeze at first, but finally hug her back.

Tom: "Yeah," I exhale, trying to steady my breathing.

Y/n: "Officially at least," she laughs as she pulls away.

Harry: "Officially?" He cocks his head to the side.

She looks at me and I can barely speak. Everyone is just waiting for me to talk, even everyone near the fire pit is looking.

Tom: "Um... Yeah," I clear my throat, "We... Ran into each other this afternoon in town."

I give the boys my best don't-you-dare look, but they just look at each other before bursting out laughing when they realize the "pretty girl" I told them about is actually y/n.

Sam: "Wow, what a small world!"

At this point, I notice y/n is confused and finally gain the courage to speak full sentences.

Tom: "I was telling my family about how I ran into a girl today," I look at my brothers again, "Sorry about that again by the way... Wait, why didn't you tell me who you were!?"

Everyone just starts laughing, something that's been happening a lot with me today.

Y/n: "I was going to... But like I said, you looked worried about something," she chuckles.

Harry: "A cake. He was worried about a cake," the laughter continuing.

I could feel myself getting warm, pink even, at the embarrassment.

Y/n: "Plus, I knew I'd probably meet you again eventually," she shrugs.

Tom: "I thought you didn't know who I was," I scratched my head nervously.

Y/n: "I think everyone knows who you are," she jokes, "I mean, I didn't at first, when I met your family... But now I've seen all your baby pictures," she leans in and jokes softly.

I just chuckle as I shake my head at her ability to lighten the mood.

Tom: "Yeah, I went to my parents' right after that and you're staying there?"

Y/n: "Yeah, your mom literally won't let me get a hotel room," she chuckles.

Just then, someone calls her name for something.

Y/n: "Oh, be right back," she starts to walk away, "Actually," she faces back to us briefly, "You guys should eat and come by the fire!"

She runs off and not even a second goes by before the boys all turn to look at me-

Sam: "Sooo... That's pretty insane!"

I actually couldn't believe what just happened.

Haz: "Huh... It really is like a movie," he nudges me before walking away.

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