Chapter 5: Morning

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Nikki: "You know, I have a strange, but good feeling... That Tom is going to like y/n. I always have. I wish I could see them meet."

Dom: "Oh, I'm sure the twins will have a lot to say about it tomorrow."

Nikki: "I know," I can't help but chuckle, "I'm quite excited really."

3:00am, I wake up from all the footsteps, and thumps, downstairs when the kids arrive back home. I decide to go greet them, but by the time I reached the living room, they were all laying around and on the floor. The only person "awake" is Tom, still awkwardly standing near the door.


Tom: "Haz!" I whisper, "Haz!" But he and the twins just smile with their eyes closed, pretending to be asleep and ignore me.

The only open spot to sleep was next to y/n. I mean, there were the boys' bedrooms, my old room, and a guest room upstairs... So I contemplate just going up to one of those, but I didn't want to seem rude and like I didn't want to sleep next to y/n either.

I mean, I didn't... But I did... But I... Didn't? I was so conflicted. I mean... Okay, I did want to sleep next to her, but in the most innocent way possible!

Mid-thought, I hear mum coming down the stairs and she sees me standing here.

Nikki: "Wow, that was quick. I thought I just heard you guys arrive."

Tom: "We did, but everyone is so tired, no one wanted to go up the stairs."

Nikki: "Aren't you tired too? You must be jet-lagged," she tilts her head quizzically as she approaches me.

Tom: "Yeah, but..." I look at the spot next to y/n, silently signaling her to do the same.

Nikki: "Ah... Your brothers set you up, didn't they?" She chuckles, "I know I'm your mother, but I rather like y/n, you know?" She shrugs, "Just go to bed."

Tom: "I was thinking of sleeping in the guest room... I think my old room is full of stuff?"

Nikki: "Y/n is using the guest room. I mean, I guess not right now, but what if she wakes up in the middle of the night and decides she wants to?"

Tom: "You're not a big help, Mom," I exhale and roll my eyes.

Nikki: "It is what it is!" She says as she kisses me and starts back up the stairs, "Goodnight, boys, I know you're still awake," she calls behind her.

Sam, Harry, Haz: "Goodnight!"

I finally give in and make my way next to y/n. I honestly try to stay as far away as possible and hoped she didn't think it was weird if she woke up considering she knew me the least out of everyone here.

Eventually we all actually drifted off to sleep for real.


When Nikki gets back into bed, she soon realizes that none of you have blankets, so she grabs 5 blankets, comes back downstairs and covers all of you.

She looks at Tom sleeping next to y/n and smiles because of how nervous he was earlier. In a different setting, this might not have been a reaction a mother would have, but she knew y/n and her son very well, plus they were in the living room with 3 other people, not alone in a bedroom or in a bed at all.

It's nearly 4am by the time she goes back to sleep.

Tom kept waking up in the middle of the night as he always had trouble adjusting between time zones and sleep settings whenever he got back home... Plus he was still a bit nervous about y/n next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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