Chapter 4: Next to Her

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As I'm heading back toward the fire, I can't help but smile... Sure, I never cared to meet Tom as a "fan" even though I'd consider myself one, but I couldn't believe how nice, and cute, he was in person.

Anna: "Hey, I was wondering if you have an extra jacket or anything... There's a nail on this log and it ripped my pants! On. The. Butt!" She dramatically puts both her hands on my shoulders.

Y/n: "Oh wow," I laugh as I untie the jacket tied around my waist, "Here, I'm not using it."

By this time, the boys are coming to the pit with some snacks and sit around wherever there's room. Everyone is mingling and Haz and Tom come by me, Haz obviously making sure that the only spot open for Tom is right next to me.

Anna: "Okay, wardrobe malfunction over!" She announces.

Everyone laughs and Anna picks up the guitar and looks at me.

I nod, she starts playing, and I immediately realize that she's playing a Billie Eilish song. When I start singing, everyone starts quieting down.

Y/n: "Oh- You don't have to stop for me, guys!" I chuckle, slightly embarrassed at the sudden attention.


Everyone laughs, but stops talking anyway, and just starts watching and listening to her sing. I could tell she was bit shy about it even though she sounded great.

I was trying to snack on some chips, but I was so mesmerized by her voice. I just watched and listened to her sing and took the time to really study and think about her and the events of today.

She really was incredibly pretty. She was wearing a lot less makeup than earlier and it only made her prettier. In fact, I realized that everyone else around us looked just as happy and mesmerized by her.

I mean, even first impressions alone, she was so thoughtful when I bumped into her.

We made eye contact and she smiled through her singing. I smiled back and looked away, only to find my brothers giving me the "eyebrows" across the way. I turned to Haz who saw both interactions.

Haz: "I know, mate, she's great," he whispered.

I just smile and look at the fire in front of me. There's no way someone could be so perfect. I barely knew her, but judging by the way everyone interacted with her and the way my own family talks about her, she must be as amazing as she seems... To think I could've known her years ago.


I sang a few more songs until my throat started to get dry since the air was so cold.

Y/n: "Alright, I'm hungry again! I'm going to get a snack," I joke to make everyone laugh, except when I get up, I almost trip over the log and had to put my hand on Tom's shoulder to stop from losing my balance.

Y/n: "I'm sorry," I chuckle out of nerves, "Excuse me!"

Tom: "It's fine," he helps me steady myself.

I smile at him before walking away towards the food table, but I can just barely hear behind me-

Tom: "Is she always so... Smiley?"

Haz: "Actually, yes," he chuckles.


The twins eventually make their way over to Haz and I-

Sam: "Sooooo?"

Haz: "He was wondering if y/n is always so smiley."

Harry: "Oh... Oh yeah!"

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