Chapter 2: The Lake

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I proceed to tell my family about the random encounter with the girl earlier when the doorbell rings. When I go to open it-

Haz: "Mate!" He raises his hands.

Tom: "Mate!" I do the same.

We hug and make random "you look great, man," comments as we made our way back to the dining table. I told him I was coming home early and stopping here first, so he came to join the reunion even though we live together, but then I find out that he's actually going to the party tonight because he knows y/n too. I shouldn't have been surprised.

Haz: "Wow, I can't believe you haven't met y/n," he chuckles, sitting opposite from me.

Nikki: "Tom was telling us about a rather pretty girl he bumped into today," she raises her eyebrows.

Haz: "Oh, let me hear it," he leans back in his chair.

Tom: "It's nothing," I lean back as well, "I just thought it was kind of cute. We bump into each other and apparently she was late for work. I was a little upset because the cake wasn't done so I had to wait around-"

Nikki: "Tom! You're so silly. It's just a cake," she interrupts.

Tom: "I know, Mum..." I jokingly roll my eyes, "Anyway, we both apologized and it seemed like she was going to say something, so I thought maybe she'd be a fan, but then she just said that I looked worried and hopes whatever it is, it works out. She was really sweet, but it was short lived," I shrugged.

Paddy: "So she didn't know who you were?"

Tom: "I'm not sure, Pads."

Nikki: "Honestly, son, I'm sure she did know who you were, but like you said, she seemed sweet and if you looked bothered, she probably decided not to say anything."

Tom: "Yeah, you're probably right. I thought that was really nice of her. Before I knew it, she was gone and I never got her name or anything."

Haz: "Aw man, that sucks... Kind of sounds like how you'd meet someone in a movie," we all chuckle, "But who knows, you ran into her once."

Sam: "Yeah... So are you coming to the party?" He blurts out, clearly uninterested in my story, making everyone laugh.

Haz: "Aw yeah, I'm going dude!"

Tom: "Huh? I guess so then..." I give in, "So is y/n... Anyone's girlfriend?"

Paddy: "Mine?" He reaches his arms up over the table, "Didn't I say that?" Everyone laughs again.

Sam: "No, we just all got really close because she's into photography so she met Harry and eventually mum... And you know mum's always wanted another girl in the house."

Nikki: "I think you'd like her, Tom..."

We all continued catching up and they would tell me a little bit more about y/n here and there. She seemed pretty cool, but before I knew it, it was time to get ready. The twins got ready here, then Haz and I stopped by our flat really quickly before we were off.

I really only decided to go since Haz is if I'm being honest, but it wasn't long before I felt a little nervous. I mean... Everyone has known this girl for literally years, there's a party for her, she stays at my parent's house sometimes, but it'll be our first time meeting.  

My thoughts were all over the place, remnants of the girl this morning lingering around too. I physically shook my head, causing Sam to look at me funny. I needed to relax, it's a party!

When we arrived at the lake, everyone was gathered around a fire pit a little ways down and I heard someone singing.

Haz: "And that, is the sound of y/n," he nods, the twins shaking their heads in amusement.

The sound of her voice made me smile somehow... I didn't even know the girl! But as we all walked a little closer, I couldn't believe it...

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