Dear Saffron,
I was so sorry to hear that you couldn't make it to lunch this weekend. You were truly missed. I hope you're feeling better- both in how you physically feeling and about the tournament - I know it must be a lot to handle.
How are you friends doing, or more specifically should I say boyfriend? Rachel was all too excited to tell me about him the second I saw her. By the sounds of it, he's a keeper, though I'll leave you to be the judge of that. I will tell you though that I am all about asking how your friends are, beyond Harry and Ron Weasley, I remember you telling me they were Hermione, of course, then also a Parvati and a Lavender. It's wonderful that the four of you get on so well- reminds me of your mother, Lily, Amanda and myself when we were your age.
Anyway, with regard to us, there is very little to know that is of note except that we are still working on taking the four of you in for this Summer. It's more of an issue in the eyes of law how Sirius and I would handle having such a handful, given our track records or lack thereof. But I'm hopeful that everything will fall into place and be as it should have been all those years ago.
Don't hesitate to owl if you ever need anything whatsoever. I have a lot of making up to do in my Godmother duties so no issue is small enough. Trust me, I would know being quite possibly the most dramatic teenage girl that ever existed. So let me know if anything else comes up.
Get well soon and see you soon,
Lots of love,
P.S. Remus wanted me to send you chocolate- he and I both hope you like it!
Dear Sage,
I'm really looking forward to that. I'm hopeful it will work out because I know we would have a much better Summer spending it with you, Sirius and Noah than with Squire again. Thank you for that and thank you for asking about me- I'm doing okay, I just wasn't up to getting out of bed as much as I wanted to. The last thing I wanted to do was spread my sickness to someone else!
My friends are all great! We basically had a fifth member of our four-person group, we just choose to forget about her at times! Her name was Alannah- or is Alannah, she's not dead, or at least I don't think she is. She wasn't in our dormitory but she was still really important to us becoming friends. When she left it was weird, but we've gotten used to it.
And Dean is great too- but I'm not sure about him being a keeper. We get on really well but let's just say I won't be married as a teenager like my parents were, that's for sure!
I'm looking forward to seeing you in person again, I definitely have a lot of questions because you seem like you're good at giving advice. I can tell you have a good judge of character and now how to deal with all the situations I'm going through as a teenage girl perfectly.
Thank Remus for the chocolate from me! Hopefully, I'll get to thank him myself someday, though it might be weird for him to see him given it's been so long since he has.
Lots of love,
Saffron xoxo
Needless to say, the fifth girl in the photograph enjoyed toying with former friend Amanda and Sage before that she decided to do so with Sage again, forcing Saffron to write a letter that correlated to her own experience with Sage Gill whilst they were back in school. But keeping it still true to what Saffron was going through, even if it didn't precisely sound like something she would say, it was convincing enough and convinced Sage upon receiving the letter.
New Romantics | Hermione Granger Book IV
FanfictionAfter spending past three years that Saffron Mitchell spent in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, she had been on a seemingly never-ending spiral of near-death situations. But with Peter Pettigrew behind bars, a slim grasp of her Clairvoyant...