Chapter 3

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[We're skipping Tower of Grey :) ]

"So you're trying to tell me that all of this is happening because some hundred year old vampire stole your grandfather's body?" You stared at Mr. Joestar, eyes wide in disbelief. He confirmed with a nod and you couldn't stop the laugh that burst out of your mouth. Your fit of laughter lasted a good minute before you calmed down and realized that no one else was laughing.

"Wait are you serious?" You cast a wary glance at all the men sitting around you. Each and every one of them simply nodded their response. "So how does this affect me? Why do I have a stand? I'm not a part of your family."

"We believe DIO might be able to make more stand users using an arrow," Avdol explained. "If that's true, then maybe you got pricked by the arrow somewhere along the way."

"I don't remember ever being shot by an arrow," you sighed, leaning forward with your elbows resting on the table. "I'm not even from Japan, so how could that have happened?"

"Well, DIO and my grandfather were both from England," Mr. Joestar shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "It's entirely possible that you got caught in the crossfire somewhere despite being in America."

"So what's the plan then?" You shifted your gaze to Jotaro who seemed to be deep in his own thoughts. "Do we even know where this DIO guy is?"

"We have a few leads," Avdol sighed as he tossed a picture onto the table. "That's him. Mr. Joestar's stand, Hermit Purple, keeps showing us this same picture but we haven't been able to figure out where it's from yet. It just shows this darkness around him and it never changes so we have very little to go off of."

"Should've just said that from the start," Jotaro sighed rather loudly, picking up the photo as his stand appeared from behind him. He picked up a notepad and held it still while his stand studied the photo intensely. After only a moment, the stand began to sketch whatever it could see.

"A fly?" You mumbled softly, peering around Jotaro to see what everyone else was seeing. "Wait a minute, I've see that type of fly before!" You jumped slightly, tearing the notepad out of Jotaro's hand. Now it was your turn to stare rather seriously as the others slowly surrounded you, their curiosity piqued.

"What's going on in here?" A familiar voice from the doorway made you jump. Turning your head, you saw Noriaki standing in the doorway. He had a bandage wrapped around his head but he wasn't trying to kill Jotaro anymore, so it was safe to assume that bud really did cause his aggressive behavior.

"We're trying to see if we can locate where DIO is hiding," Mr. Joestar answered before looking back down at the notepad and huffing, clearly annoyed. "And what the hell do you mean you know that fly? It just looks like a normal fly to me."

"It's a Nile Ue Ue fly," you mumbled softly, tapping your finger against the drawing. "I remember studying about them in some useless science class back in America. They're only found in Egypt, around the Nile River, thus the name."

"So you're saying that DIO is in Egypt?" Mr. Joestar asked, the look of confusion on his face almost comical.

"It seems that way, yes," you confirmed, putting the notepad back down on the table. As you were about to start speaking again, a cough from the other side of the room alerted all five of you. Holly was starting to come to. Avdol and Kakyoin quickly made their exit, claiming they were going to try to find out how they could all get to Egypt.

For the next hour that she was awake, Mr. Joestar did everything he could to try and help his daughter. Brushing her hair, clipping her nails and even helping her brush her teeth. As you watched him take care of her, your heart ached over the fact that you had never known such fatherly love. Slowly, up her back you could see the vines of her stand squirming and tightening their deathly hold on her. You could tell that the others were seeing it too, though no one said anything of it. Suddenly, you were pulled from your thoughts by Jotaro's yelling.

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