Chapter 6

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[Uhhh hi... after like... a year... anyway, here's an update and a picture of Dark Blue Moon t-posing ]

A short scream escaped you before you were pulled completely under the water by Dark Blue Moon. The stands arms were around your waist, digging painfully into the wounds you had gotten from your earlier fight with Polnareff. You tried to flinch away from it's arms, but that only caused it to tighten the grip it had on you. You had to think of a way out of this and fast.

"You got yourself wrapped up in all kinds of problems, girl," the fake captain started, speaking through his stand as he dragged you deeper into the water. "You don't even know the half of it. My stand is faster than anything in the water and-."

"Oh my god," you groaned, throwing your head back in annoyance. "Please don't tell me you're about to start monologuing?"

"Uh- what?" His eyes widened at your complete lack of terror in the situation. Your stand had come out to float beside you, not a care in the world that you were still firmly trapped by Dark Blue Moon. This confused the fake captain even further as he studied your behavior.

"Guys like you always monologue before the fight," you narrowed your eyes at him, clearly annoyed. "It's always 'I'm so fast, I'm so strong.' And honestly, it's kind of the most ridiculous shit ever. I fought guys scarier than you when I was in grade school. Besides, does it really matter how fast and strong you are when I can just do this?"

Lightning lit up the water around you, shocking anything nearby you. Dark Blue Moon tried to let go of you, but wasn't fast enough to escape the bolt of lightning that hit him. The fake captain's body convulsed as electricity ran through him, frying him to a crisp under the water. Once you were sure there was no way he was going to come back from that, you swam towards the surface of the water.

Adrenaline was pumping through you as you breached the water, gasping for air. With a surge of energy, you let out a cheer, throwing both hands in the air.

"Woo!" You yelled, laughing almost maniacally. You stuck your middle fingers up before continuing. "Take that, asshole!" As your team watched from the ship, they each had very different reactions. Kakyoin covered his mouth to keep from bursting into laughter, Jotaro rolled his eyes and walked away, Mr. Joestar and Polnareff were both cheering along with you and Avdol just smiled politely right on through.

"Alright, let's get you back up here!" Mr. Joestar called out, preparing to throw a lifebuoy out to you. Before he could, the sound of an explosion caught everyone's attention. In a matter of seconds, the boat was going up in flames. You shielded your face slightly from the blast before sighing dramatically. Relaxing your body completely, you were able to get yourself to float on your back perfectly on the surface of the water.

"This shit sucks."

After a few long moments of panic, the remaining members of the crew, the stowaway girl and the stand users (including yourself) found themselves sitting in a pair of life boats. The stowaway girl was stuck sitting on your lap as the men took up too much room to leave her a seat of her own.

Broad shouldered bastards, you thought bitterly. Your legs had gone numb at least an hour ago and you were beginning to think feeling would never return to them.

"Who are you people anyway?" The stowaway girl broke the silence that had settled over everyone. The feeling of despair that plagued the air was momentarily gone at her words.

"We're people on a journey, just like you," Mr. Joestar answered in the most vague way possible. "I'm on it to save my daughter." He grinned, almost as though he expected praise for that. The girl looked away, instead focusing her attention on the sea. This caused you to bite your tongue to keep from laughing, the disheartened look on Mr. Joestar's face was enough to almost break you.

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