Chapter 4

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[I wanna say before this chapter starts, I'm gonna change how a few things go down. Not to the point where major characters won't be included or anything like that, but I just wanna make it so it's not like you're just reliving the show.]

"So what's the plan then?" You eyed the group of men in front of you. Sure, it made sense that you couldn't fly by plane since Tower of Grey killed an entire plane full of civilians, but it didn't leave options in terms of the team actually making it to Egypt on time. "If we don't make it in fifty days." You trailed off as a somber aura absorbed the group. Surprisingly, Jotaro seemed the most perturbed by the reminder of what could happen to his mother.

"We don't need to worry about that though," Mr. Joestar said, perking up slightly as he flung his arm around your shoulders again. His hand glided through the air as he began to speak again. "A long time ago, someone wrote a book about travelling the world in just eighty days in a time with nothing but trains and steamboats. I'm positive we can make it to Egypt in fifty days using other ways than a plane."

His good mood seemed to rub off a bit on the group as the tense feeling settled away. With little experience in travelling, Jotaro, Kakyoin and yourself allowed Avdol and Mr. Joestar to be the ones making the decisions on how you would all get to Egypt from here. In the end, it was decided that travelling by boat would be the best chance of arriving there on time without endangering any more civilians.

"Excuse me," a voice sounded from behind you, making you turn your head to see the source of it. A tall man with white hair stood behind you. His shirt, if you could call it that, barely covered his chest and his broken heart earrings swayed as he looked down at you. "I'm a tourist from France and I'm having a bit of trouble reading the Kanji on this menu. I was hoping a beautiful girl such as yourself might be able to help me."

You could feel your ears start to burn red at the compliment, but you narrowed your eyes at this stranger none-the-less. It wasn't typical for someone to come to a table for help like this. Normally they would just ask the waiters to help.

"You're annoying, go away," Jotaro spoke before you had the chance to, quickly dismissing the stranger. Now, wanting nothing more than to defy the authority Jotaro thought he had, you decided to help the man.

"Sure, I can help," you smiled up at him, gently taking the menu from his hands. "What were you needing to read?" As you sat with the menu, the slow dread began to creep up your spine. For a moment, you completely forgot that you weren't as fluent in reading Japanese as you were in speaking it. Taking a deep breath, you attempted to calm your nerves. Before the man could say anything, Mr. Joestar snatched the menu from your hands and waved a waiter over. With wide eyes, you watched him as he seemingly ordered everything on the menu.

"It all tastes great," he assured you, laughing boisterously as he threw his arm around your shoulders yet again. "Trust me!" You nodded, affirming that you did in fact trust him. Satisfied, he let his arm fall off of your shoulders as the stranger pulled his chair up right next to yours.

"I'm sorry," he apologized suddenly. "I guess it didn't register to me that you were American before I asked for your help. Forgive me." As if to say he was sorry, he took your hand into his own and planted a kiss against the back of it. A look of visible discomfort fell on your features as you pulled your hand away.

"That's really not necessary," you insisted, shifting to the edge of your seat closest to Mr. Joestar. This Frenchman was really starting to irk you. Looking up, you made brief eye contact with Jotaro, an unfamiliar emotion swimming in his teal orbs.

Was that-?

Your train of thought was abruptly cut as the servers brought the food out and set it all out on your table. You cringed slightly at the layout of food. Roasted frogs, some sort of clam dish, rice porridge and stewed fish. Taking a deep breath, you and everyone else braved yourselves as you tasted the food. Much to your surprise, it was actually rather delicious.

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