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Mattia's pov

Today it's y/n's birthday and I've got so much planned for her. First I'm going to take her to her favourite restaurant then watch a movie under the stars. She's always been the type of girl to stay in touch with reality but also have her head in the clouds. She's just some thing else.

I want to surprise her when she comes home with a trail of rose pattels leading to our bed room and lots of her favourite chocolates and after words we're going to make the night ours.

It's 9 pm she should be home by now. Why is she taking so long? Did some thing happen to her? What if she got into an accident? Oh god i need to call her l.

I dial y/n's number and it goes to voicemail. What the fuck? My anxiety starts to take over. It's been a hour, I sit on the couch with my head in my hands. Where can she be? I ring again and it goes through. I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I hear her voice.


"Hey y/n where are you? I've been so worried for the past hour and whats all that noise in the back? Are you in a club??" I say standing up, even more worried now.

"I'm out with my friends. They surprised me for my birthday by taking me clubbing. Why are you asking so many questions anyway?" She says acting as if she didn't forget that she didn't tell me she was going out.

"Are you serious? You didn't even call to tell me you were going out! I've been so fucking worried that something bad happened to you and you're out partying" I reply with irritation in my voice.

"Jeez mattia get off my back. It's only for one night and I'm coming home to you anyway." She replies clearly not giving a fuck about me and my plans.

"Y/n I fucking told you I had something planned for your birthday and besides all my efforts to make this day special for you, you go ahead and say I'm on your back?" I tried my best to not shout but it was getting hard at this point. I was outraged. "I can't be bothered with you anymore." And with that i hang up. I walk to our bed room, falling back on the bed, mentally and physically exhausted.

Fuck I think I was too harsh on her. My thoughts start flooding in and i lose control over them.

Y/n pov

After that conversation with mattia I don't want to be here anymore. I tell my friend I feel sick and uber it home. How could I forget about mattia's plan? He must be furious with me.

I must have been so lost in my thoughts thst i totally lost track of time because the next thing I know I had already arrived home.

Hesitantly, I walk over to our apartment. My heart was going to beat out of my chest. I reached the front door and turned the handle, to my surprise the door was already open. I walked in (walked in walked in walked in- okay I'll stop😂) to find a trail of roses leading to our shared bed room. I followed the trail, when I reach the bedroom door, I stood outside for a minute unsure of whether I should go in and talk to mattia or wait until the morning.

Plucking all the courage i had inside of me I opened the door. Mattia layed there staring at the ceiling. His olive skin glowing in the little light coming in from the open door. His eyes were set on the ceiling not knowing or caring if i was present or not. This was something he'd do often when he was angry at me.

I slowly walk over to him and sit on the edge of the bed. After I few minutes I break the silence.

"Matt?" No answer.

"Matt I'm sorry" i say getting on the bed even more to be closer to him. "Matt I really did forget about your plans and it all happened to quick I forgot to tell you." I explain hoping to get a reaction. Besides all my efforts there was no reaction. I was left with one option.

"I wish it didn't have to come to this but you leave me no choice." I move closer to him and start tickling him. He starts to laugh and move trying to get away from me.

"Y/n...STOPPP...PL..EASEE...IT HURTS!!" He yell between laughs.

"Not until you listen to me" I carry on.

"Okay okay, you win, I'll listen." I stop and move back a bit. He comes closer to me and start tickling me. I squirm on the bed trying to get away but he's too heavy.

"MATTIA... IM GO..ING T-..TO KILL... YOU!" I manage to say.

"You shouldn't have listened to me"

"Okay okay I'm sorry please stop! Matt it hurts!" I plead.

"Only because i love you." He says giving me kiss on the lips.

"Matt I really am sorry, I forgot it was all happening so fast it totally sli-" I was interrupted by mattia smashing his lips against mine. I kiss back.

"You talk way too much when you're nervous" he whispers. I get lost in his chocolate brown eyes as he pulls me into his chest.

"I love you." Is the last thing I here before drifting into a deep slumber.

This didn't turn out as I imagined but oh well.

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