Im not your dog.

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Ahh Friday night, what perfect time to sit at home and watch Netflix. Well, that's not what I'm doing, reese, my best friend, dragged me to a shitty high school part with drugs and alcohol. I don't dance, I don't need a boyfriend, I'm just standing next to the TV with my beanie ready to get the hell out of there. Many thoughts crossed my mind but the most frequent one was of Mattia. it really annoys me that even after begging him to leave me alone he still manages invade my thoughts.

"hey Maddie!" a male voice yells from behind me, I turn around to see a shitfaced Alejandro. oh god, he never drinks unless something really bad happened to him.

"hey Ale! you okay?" I ask in a concerned tone, opening my arms to hug him . he smiles and hugs me.

"you smell really nice." he compliments, I laugh pulling away.

"is mattia here?" I ask hoping to hear a no but what came next shocked me to say the least.

"he's not here right now but dont worry kairi told him you're at this party and he's on his way." ale smiles sheepishly looking around the room in search for some alcohol to down his sorrows.

"but I haven't seen kairi at this party though?" I question, a frown forms on my face as I sadly watch Alejandro walk away without saying another word. "ugh fuck this party I should have never came." I whisper to myself.

"yeh that's what I was thinking too" a deep, raspy voice murmurs from behind me. As I turn my head, my eyes are met with the most gorgeous emerald green eyes and a god blessed face with perfect plump lips and a button nose. my eyes travel from his face to his broad shoulders, to his bulging chest, down to his thick muscular thighs. wow, this man does not miss leg day.. or any other day for a matter for a fact. I mean wow.

I gulped, only now realising that my mouth had been open all along. a fit of laughter erupts from his chest. " like what you see, love?" as if it could get any more embarrassing, my cheeks flush red.

"I- I .. you- I mean I'm- no..uhh I didn't mean to stare." I manage to blurt out to the god like creature in from of me.

"dont get your panties in a twist, I get that a lot." his words roll from his tongue as a smirk forms on his lips. cocky fuck.

"and that's where I stop." I comment. his brows furrow.

"why?" he asks.

"I think it's bad for your ego, don't you think?" I say sarcastically. the mysterious stranger puts his hand on his chest and gasps.

"so brutal." he says, being fake hurt. i smile at his sarcasticness.

"hm, you should have known better than to mess with me." I laugh.

"what's your name?" he asks with an amused look.

"I would tell you but its top secret." I whisper the last part.

he raises his eye brows "oh I see how it is. you a secret spy agent?" he asks jokingly, his eyes travel down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

"if I told you, I would have to kill you." I whisper, biting my bottom lip to prevent me from laughing.

"stop that." he mutters under his breath stepping closer to me. "you have beautiful eyes, you know that." he acknowledges, looking deep into my eyes. his gaze shifts from my eyes to behind me. "erm there's a very angry looking guy coming towards you." the mystery guy warns me. I turn around and find Mattia rushing towards me.

the fuck? what's got his balls in a twist?

"you know that guy?" the guy asks worryingly.

"sadly yes." I reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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