━━━━ sixteen

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Despite breakfast leaving their stomachs full, there is an emptiness to camp as the number of celebrities begin to dwindle. It's a little depressing but equally exhilarating because it means that the remaining celebrities are that much closer to the final.

With the countdown continuously ticking, Mathilda decides that she is going to make the most of every second that she has left in camp; be it trials, challenges, or just enjoying some conversations with her fellow campmates. It isn't guaranteed that they will all stay in regular contact after this, especially with people like Caitlyn Jenner who live so far away and are damn near impossible to contact without dealing with numerous secretaries first.

"Celebrities, today's trial is called Frightseers. It's up to you to decide which campmate takes part."

Kate reads the laminate aloud from her seat on the throne and they all put their names back into the sack except Caitlyn who is still scarred from yesterday's events. Nadine chooses at random and they all wince when it is Kate's name that is picked out. Kate Garraway is a force of nature but she is also a very anxious person and they all know that she probably wouldn't have minded all that much if her name wasn't chosen.

"You're gonna smash it, KG!" Mathilda says enthusiastically.

"You've already brought home the bacon for today," Roman adds jokingly, "we believe in you."

Kate looks resigned but she smiles through it. "I'll do it. But don't blame me if I don't bring back the stars, that's all..."

"As if," Mathilda scoffs. "Just try your best and that's all that matters, alright?" Everyone else nods and chimes in with their own reassurances.

Nadine and Mathilda walk her to the bridge, trying to make small talk and distract her from the impending torture she will surely face. "If you get through this trial without saying those dreaded words then we'll all be so proud and you can boss me around for the rest of the day," proposes Mathilda.

The offer brings about a mischievous twinkle in Kate's eyes and it makes her want to snatch the words back. At least Kate doesn't look like she is about to throw up anymore.

"So you'll have to do anything I say?" She receives a hesitant nod in response. "How interesting..."

They all share an embrace before Kate disappears over the bridge and Mathilda follows Nadine back the way that they came. They walk through the thicket of trees, tripping their way through branches and stumps and somehow managing to stay on their feet down the hill. It's nothing they haven't done a thousand times by now, but it is still difficult to navigate the jungle at times.

"That was a nice thing you did for Kate," Nadine says with a small smile. "It seemed to put her more at ease, I think."

"I hope so. We all know that she'll smash it, I just wish that she knew that."

"Do you think you'll come to visit us back in London after this is over?" Mathilda asks Caitlyn a few minutes later.

Caitlyn nods. "Sure."

"You're coming over to dinner at my house," Myles insists and is met with no protests. Instead they all decide to make it a reunion of sorts where they can all see each other once again.

Their plans are interrupted by Kate returning and announcing that she got five stars out of seven. She looks equally proud and disappointed - two very contrasting emotions.

"That's amazing!" squeals Mathilda as she rushes over to hug the older woman. "Well done, KG!"

"Do you know what that means?" Kate is smirking. "Prepare to be at my beck and call for the rest of the day, Mathilda Holland."

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