Chapter 6: Bruck Chun

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"Master Kenobi?" 

"Hm?" My master asks, keeping his eyes closed and maintaining his meditative state. 

"I don't mean to bother you-"

"You're not a bother Padawan. What do you need?" His blue eyes open and meet mine. 

"I just... I have an increasingly bad feeling about what's going to happen. Something is telling me that this Bruck guy is expecting us and it's making me uneasy." Master Kenobi seems to ponder on what I told him.

"What do you suggest we do?" That question caught me off guard: He wants my opinion? 

"Uhm, well..." I stutter.

"I know you have an idea," he muses. 

"Well, if he knows we're coming, he'll have a sizable army waiting for us and he'll be away from the action. What if we split up and came in two different landing zones? Maybe we should also put the cruiser on the backside of the planet so we aren't detected?" He strokes his face and considers my proposal. 

"Let's go tell the others," He pats my shoulder and walks towards the bridge. 

We walk onto the bridge and everyone looks over at us. I don't know if I'll ever get used to being the center of attention like Master Kenobi seems too. After explaining the new plan, some of the Jedi did not take the news well. 

"What do you mean we aren't all landing at once?" General Hett exclaimed, "and you're telling me that the two of you can take on a sith by yourselves?" He scoffed. 

"You doubt my ability A'Sharad?" I sensed the irritation coming from my Master. 

"I don't doubt you Obi-Wan, but are you sure your Padawan is equipped to help you?" General Hett quipped. 

"It is her first real mission after all...She's never seen combat." I shoot daggers at Malachious. He always puts me down for his own benefit. 

"Do you doubt my judgment, general?" Master Kenobi obviously trying to pull rank on General Hett who suddenly turned slightly red in the face.

"Sir, she's....unstable-" 

"And how do you know that? You doubt my judgment and are calling my Padawan incompetent? Do you know the specifics of the mission? Do you personally know my Padawan and every detail of her life as an apprentice? How about me?  Am I known to be impulsive and make decisions that would hurt our cause?" I've never seen Master get this worked up. 

"No-no I didn't mean it like tha-"

"Questioning my decision is fine, but you will not disrespect me or my Padawan just because you are unhappy with my decision, is that clear?" Master Kenobi firmly stated.

With no answer, My master asked everyone to prepare for the new plan: we were close to Dantooine so it was time to begin. 

Once we came out of hyperspace, the lieutenant steered the cruiser to the backside of the planet to avoid detection. Master Kenobi and I watched as the platoon left, led by General Gailia. I hope my call was the correct one. The two of us waited in silence for the go-ahead to leave. 

"Ready, Satara?" He looks down at me with a kind smile. 

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I breathe out. Truth be told, I was terrified. Master took my advice and changed our entire battle strategy, what if I was wrong? 

"Focus, Padawan. Worrying won't do us much good now." He pulled me out of my thoughts making me realize that we were already approaching the planet. 

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