Chapter 20: The End

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"Why did you call a meeting with the council?" I question,  jogging to catch up to Master Jinn. 

"You'll see," he replied, slowing so I could catch my breath. 

I finally healed from the wounds Count Dooku inflicted on me at Algamar and will be resuming training once again. Since my lightsaber was lost and recovered, my master and I will travel back to Ilum to craft another.

Upon arriving at the council room, I wait while all the members arrive. The last time we met was my judiciary hearing for killing Dooku and resorting to the Darkside during it. They placed a temporary ban on me using the force and asked my master and General Kenobi to guide me through expelling the dark energy. 

"The council is ready," A voice over the intercom summons me and I enter, smiling at General Kenobi once we make eye contact. 

"It's good to see you well young Satara," Master Windu nodded. 

"Thank you, master." 

Master Jinn rose to stand by my side to explain the purpose of our meeting. 

"The council already knows the topic of conversation, but I want to start off by expressing how much growth you showed over the months I trained you. Your use of the force grew exponentially and you started really taking control of your emotions; however, I feel my job as your Master must come to an end," Master Jinn explained, almost misty-eyed. 

"I request my dismissal as Satara's master and ask Obi-Wan to take over once more."

"Will you once again train young Satara, Obi-Wan?" Master Fisto asked, turning to face him. 

"If she wishes," Master Kenobi glanced over at me with a smirk, knowing my answer. 

"I do," I confirm and Yoda officially transfers us over. Master Jinn goes to sit, but I grab him and pull him into a hug, not caring if the other Jedi disprove. 

"Ilum, the two of you must go. Craft a new lightsaber, Satara will," Master Yoda declared as Master and I nodded. The council dismissed after that, but I waited until Master Jinn exited the room. 

"Master Jinn!" I caught his attention as he turned around. 

"Thank you for being my master, even if it was only for a few short months. You helped me more than you'll ever know. Here, I want you to have this," I handed him the stone I found on Naboo. 

"I wanted to give it to you once I passed my trials as a parting gift, but it looks like our journey ended earlier than I thought," a single tear escapes down my face as I quickly wipe it away. 

"Thank you, dear Satara, it was a pleasure to serve as your master for a short while. I hope you know my door will always be open." He ruffles my hair before pocketing the stone and walking off. 

I make my way towards Master Kenobi, who observed our interaction from afar with an amused expression. The two of us haven't been alone since I saw him again after offboarding Master Windu's ship. I take a second and observe his features. Most of them are the same, but he grew out his hair and beard, giving him a more mature look than before. When he pushed up his sleeves because of the heat, I noticed a new scar running on the inside of his wrist, but I figured I would ask about it later. 

His blue eyes still shone when discussing something he loved, but they also appeared wiser, like being trapped in a small part of his mind taught him many things. 

"Stop staring..." He chuckled.

"Sorry, I just wanted to observe what was different about you," I blush slightly, causing him to chuckle. 

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