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I'm now 16 and my little sister is 14. We have been in foster care for a long time now but we start school again I turn 17 soon in December last year I turned 16 and I only have a couple months until I'm 17. We go to konoha middle high school im now in 9th grade and my sister sammy is in 7th grade so she will be in my school with me.

(S) bubu do we see Ashton and Emma today

(J) yeah they have classes with us but let's get to school

(S) ok, will they be waiting for us?

(J) yes, they are at the stairs waiting for us

*Jax driving to school*

(S) that's your phone

(J) I gotta check it after we stop

(S) there's an upcoming stop

(J) *stops at light*

-jax phone-
(A) hey can you meet us at the stairs?

(J) yes..what's up?

(A) I have some stuff I need to talk to you about and my sister is waiting for your sis to get here

(J) were almost here I'm at a light right now

(A) ok see you soon <3

-texts end-

(J) *blushing* *I'm confused why did he text the heart does it have a meaning, I cant tell but no one knows I'm gay besides my best friend Eric*

(S) was that Ashton?

(J) yes he was telling me his sister is waiting for us

(S) so where are we meeting them?

(J) at the stairs of the entrance

(S) awesome I cant wait

(J) *stop at school*

(S) yay were here

(J) *gets out* there in there

(S) *runs in*

(J) sammy watch out *pulls her over to him*

(S) that was close

(J) yes you gotta be careful that bike almost hit you

(S) sorry bubu

(A) you two ok?

(J) yeah were ok

(E) what happened?

(J) she wasn't paying attention and almost walked in the way of a bike

(E) you ok sammy?

(S) yes I'm ok

(J) yes let's get to class

(A) yeah

(S) common emma let's go

(E) *running in building*

(A) hey wait up

(J) so what's up?

(A) oh yeah I had to talk to you about some stuff let's go to the stairs and chat

(J) ok let's go

(A) *walking up stairs*

(J) so what is it?

(A) I wanted to know are you still in foster care?

(J) yeah if no one takes us then we have to get separated and i cant be sent away from my sister.

(A) so what if my dad adopts you

(J) what are you talking about?

(A) I've been talking with my dad and he thought about adopting you and your sister before your 18

(J) thank you so much *hugs Ashton*

(A) your welcome my dad will talk with lisa and let you know soon if lisa accepts

(J) thank you I'll tell my sister and get ready

(A) dont worry were all gonna be close friends

(J) I'm jest so happy

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