Christmas suprises

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(J) *walks in bedroom* ash

(A) *sound asleep*

(J) ash baby guess what day it is

(A) hm.....

(J) its Christmas time baby

(A) good morning

(J) morning sleepy head

(A) what time is it?

(J) 9am

(A) oh my alarm didnt go off

(J) I snoozed it so you could get extra sleep

(A) how sweet of you

(E) *runs in* merry Christmas bubus

(J) *looks up smiling* merry Christmas emma

(A) merry...Christmas sis

(E) were waiting down stairs, oh by the way jax there's something for you and sarah

(J) what is it?

(E) something she had for your Christmas she says it was from your mom

(J) my mom, how she passed away years ago?

(A) it was something she had had for you and your sister to open in 2018 when you both were old enough

(J) can we go down stairs I wanna see

(A) *gets out of bed* yeah let's go

(J) *hurried down stairs*

(S) bubu this is from mom *hands gift*

(J) let's open them *rips open paper*

(E) what is it sarah

(S) it's an old necklace that great grandma passed down to nana and she handed down to mom

(J) that's beautiful, I think she wanted the tradition to continue of our family to any family you start sis

(S) I'm so happy mom did this, I love it *puts on necklace*

(A) what did you get jax?

(J) I don't know I haven't checked

(A) open it

(J) *opens gift* huh what's this?

(S) what is it bubu?

(J) it's a box of something

(S) open it

(J) *opens box* a ring?

(A) *bends down on one knee* I think its something special but it's more special for another reason

(J) what do you mean babe?

(A) *grabs box* jaxson mark arrason you've been in my life through ups and downs but its always incomplete so will you fill my life complete as I ask you, will you do me the honor of being my husband ?

(J) oh my god *in shock*

(A) will you jaxson

(S) bubu?

(J) yes I will

(A) *puts ring on finger*

(J) *hugs tightly*

(S) oh my god I'm so happy for you guys

(E) this is amazing

(A) it's the best Christmas ever with my new fiance

(Post of @quietowl18) I'm so happy this is the best Christmas ever I have had this man by my side for such a long time and I couldn't be happier than to officially call him my fiance, even if you support or not I won't mind I'm happy for all the people that stayed with us through this journey I'm so happy to have jaxson mark arrason in my life forever

(Post from @secretgay16) I'm so excited this Christmas it was happy and unexpected I dont know where to begin things in my life felt crazy dealing with thousands of ups and downs but now I get to face them with Ashton Tucker Arrason who is officially the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for because he is the love no one can ever take and anyone back off now because he is officially my fiance and it was the greatest gift of all to receive. Thanks to this amazing man in my life it's full forever I love my baby @quietowl18♡♡♡

(J) merry Christmas to my fiance

(A) merry Christmas baby I love you so much

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