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(A) *walks in libary*
hey jax how's your avid work

(J) stressful *puts head down on stuffed fox*

(A) well what's the matter

(J) we need to talk....

(A) what's going on *sits down*

(J) we have a field trip coming up

(A) when

(J) in a few weeks

(A) how long?

(J) a month

(A) when did you find out?

(J) yesterday

(A) so what do you have to do?

(J) we have to go to Japan and have a huge business thing because the academy is away helping build an area for all of avid people to work every year

(A) do you leave on your birthday month?

(J) no the month after it

(A) what day do you leave?

(J) January 6th

(A) oh, do you know what day your returning?

(J) no I dont know but I hope I'll learn soon because dad needs to sign it to allow me and everything

(A) I'll really miss you

(J) ash are you ok?

(A) *tears* I jest think everything has been packed with stressful lately

(J) *pulls in hug* I know baby but will get through this I promise we will get through it all

(A) I jest miss you so much

(J) I'm right here and I'll always be here

(A) I will meet miss you so much baby

(J) I know I'm gonna miss you too

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