wood accident

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(M) hey ash can I talk to you

(A) yeah sure

(M) so can I borrow jaxson later

(A) uh why

(M) I jest wanna chat with him as talking since we haven't caught up yet

(A) that's fine with me



(J) yes who is it?

(M) it's me mark

(J) oh come in

(M) *opens door* hey

(J) what's up

(M) can we go on a walk

(J) sure I guess

(M) ok let's go

(J) ok *gets up and walks out*

(M) so I wanted to talk to you about something

(J) what is it

(M) I wanted to know are you and ash really dating?

(J) yeah hes been with me for a long time

(M) how long?

(J) about four months

(M) nice but I was wanting to confess something

(J) what

(M) *grabs jax arm* I wanna confess my feelings

(J) mark what are you doing?

(M) I want you *pulls close*

(J) mark please stop *trys pulling away*

(M) what I want you jax

(J) please stop I already have someone

(M) please let me

(J) no get off

(M) come on

(J) no I have a boyfriend please stop

(M) why couldn't you have chosen me?

(J)  I gave my heart to Ashton hes been my love and you jest come here trying to hook up with me in front of my boyfriend

(M) let me please

(J) get off already I dont want you please get off

(M) *grabs rock* fine jest have fun getting back

(J) what are you talking about

(M) *hits jax with rock*

(J) ah *passes out*

(M) have fun alone

(J) *out cold*

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