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(J) ow what happened, where am I

(L1) is that the amber alert

(L2) it looks like the man

(J) excuse me miss where am I

(L2) your in japan

(L1) are you jaxson mark arrason?

(J) yes how do you know my name?

(L2) oh my god call the ambulance its him

(J) what are you talking about?

(L1) look this amber alert went out for you because you were missing a group of guys were looking for you and no one knew where you were

(J) oh my god I gotta get to them

(L2) jest wait here sir the ambulance is coming

(J) thank you *dizzy*

(L2) hey boy can you come here

(T) yes miss

(L1) can you help this man an ambulance is on the way

(T) *looks up* oh my God jax

(J) tashi

(T) oh my are you ok

(J) yeah I jest feel dizzy

(T) I gotta go call the guys miss I need to call my group because this is my friend who was missing

(L1) ok

(T) *calling ash* Ashton

(A) yes

(T) hes alive

(A) you found jax??

(T) yes I was stopped by a lady because I was searching the streets and she pointed at him because an ambulance is on the way to get him but hes safe hes alive

(A) thank god I didn't wanna loose him
Sarah emma your brothers alive

(T) this months over soon he will be home in a week

(A) ok thank you guys

(T) your welcome

*call ends


(J) I'm gonna be ok guys

(An) were so sorry this happened jax

(K) yeah

(J) thanks for all your help guys

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