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(J) wow it looks beautiful out here

(M) yeah go on the dock and you'll see more

(J) *runs down dock*

(A) so what's up mark you have been acting strange

(M) I jest been in my thoughts because of school lately

(A) well focus on vacation

(M) yeah I should

(A) yeah its fun out here

(M) yeah it is

(A) so what was your plans out here

(M) well its Thanksgiving break so we can all have fun

(A) yeah it's great out here

(M) yeah I also have a fun plan

(A) what do you mean?

(M) *runs down doc*

(J) oh hey mar...

(M) *picks up jax*

(J) woah what's going on?

(M) you need a swim *throws in lake*

(A) mark no dont

(J) noo I can't.....

(A) mark no!

(J) ahhhhhh

(A) jax! *runs to doc*

(J) *lands in lake* *trying to swim*

(M) what's the matter ash?

(J) *drowning* I....i cant swim mark

(M) what?

(A) *jumps in lake*

(J) *sinks down*

(A) *grabs ash hand and pulls him close*
*swims up to land*

(M) Ashton jaxson

(A) *gasps* hes out cold

(M) I didnt know he couldn't swim

(A) yeah he hasn't learned since foster cares over protected asses

(A) *cpr for 4 minutes*

(J) *choking*

(A) jax your ok

(J) yeah *coughing*

(A) *picks up jax*

(A) let's go in and call it a day at the lake

(M) I'm so sorry jax

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