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(J) happy Thanksgiving baby

(A) happy Thanksgiving handsome *pulls into kiss*

(J) wanna help cook something?

(A) what is it?

(J) some famous cake I learned in my old house before foster care, my mom made it every Thanksgiving

(A) sweet

(J) fuck!

(A) hey keep down my cousin's are here

(J) sorry I need to go to the store

(C1) can we go

(C2) yea please ashner

(A) hey I dont go by that nickname

(C1) please can we go

(J) *sits on one knee* hey

(C2) Jackie

(C1) jax

(J) you can go it will be fun to have your help

(C1/2) yay

(A) you sure Jackie?

(J) hey I'm sure and I dont go by that ashner

(A) hey I can kick that butt of yours if you call me that

(J) then dont call me that

(C1) let's go

(J) wait, you guys need shoes

(C1) here *tosses ash boot*

(J) ahh..fuc... *c1 hits jax dick with boot*

(A) oh shi.. *looks in shock*

(J) owwwww

(C2) jackie are you ok?

(J) *in pain* ye...aah

(A) *reaches hand out* you sure?

(J) yeah even though it was your steel toe boots

(A) oh yeah those hurt

(J) let's jest get there shoes on

(C1) here jax

(J) please dont throw It

(C1) *sets them on floor*

(J) ok sit down Nate

(N) ok *sits down*

(J) *puts shoes on*

(A) Tyler can I put your shoes on?

(T) yes Asher

(A) *puts Tyler's shoes on*

(J) let's go *grabs keys*

(N/T) *run to car*

(A) *runs after cousins* wait up

(J) boys calm down

(T) ok jackie

(N) ok

(Everyone) *get in car*

(J) *drives to store*

(A) were here

(T) yay

(N) yay

(J) let's go in

(M) yay I call front of buggie

(T) I'll walk

(A) ok I'll move it so we can go

(J) be good in here since I jest need a few things

(M) what are you making jax

(T) yeah tell us jax

(J) it's a sweet family cake

(M) what type of cake?

(J) a chocolate cake my mother always made me and my sister on holidays and our birthdays

(T) where is sarah?

(A) she's with my sister they are doing some cooking with uncle

(J) yeah and they are making delicious foods for all of us

(T) yay I want food

(M) me to

(J) soon guys

(M) can we get that bag *points at cheese bites*

(A) those look good so yes

(T) how about veggies

(J) yeah I'll get some veggie snack trays

Extreme chocolate lava cake
*chocolate cake mix
*chocolate syrup
*chocolate chips

(J) I got everything

(A) hey babe how about some Thanksgiving candy treats

(J) yeah grab a couple for the cousins

(T) yay sweets

(M) yay


(J) here's all the food

(A) looks delicious babe

(T) yay

(S) bubu this is amazing *hugs jax*

(J) I still wanted to celebrate our family's cake
I'm thankful for everyone who is in our lives, thanks to all of you guys for adopting us and bringing us a family that really loves us and really cares for us because we have a home and I'm jest so happy to have you all to keep us here with my sister I would have lost her if we were never adopted but thank you all

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