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After their last encounter in Snoke's throne room, Kylo and Rey are constantly thinking about each other, no matter what circumstances that they are in, they can't seem to get each other off their minds. But how could they be together? She is a Jedi. He is a Sith. Jedi's aren't allowed to get together with anyone, they have to be purely focused on training. But that was all about to change, it was almost like they were destined to be connected. Unaware of the obstacles. 

Kylo Ren POV 

I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything without thinking about her, this has been happening since I held out my hand for her in Snoke's throne room where we killed him together. I just want to see her and talk to her, for sure she won't feel the same way. I mean I can find out by connecting with her. 

"Rey?" I close my eyes and focus on her, trying to get a connection through the force with her, blocking out all distractions. 

I open my eyes, the surroundings are unfamiliar to me, I see a staff on the floor with a lightsaber, I know where I am. My thoughts are interrupted by her voice 

"Ben, what are you doing her-" She asks, in complete shock, I cut her off by hugging her tightly, she doesn't pull away, instead she reciprocates the hug. 

"I miss you so much" I mumble into her neck, hoping she didn't hear that, I cannot let myself go soft even though she makes me feel light again. 

"I miss you too Ben" she answered in a whisper, while continuing to embrace each other through the hug. She pulls away, a warm blush caressing her apple like cheeks. She looks like an angel, my angel. "Why are you here, Ben?" she asked with anger in her voice. Wow is she really that cold towards me being here. That really hurt. 

"I don't know, why don't you ask yourself, you are the one who intiated this connection, why would I come here voluntarily?" I answered back in a sarcastic and smart ass manner. I knew that hurt her by the sad look on her face. I shouldn't have said that to her, I am a dickhead. 

"Honestly, your moods are pissing me off, if you dont want to be here then you can fuck off and leave me alone!" she yells, tears running down her flawless face. 

"I am so sorry for saying that, I should not have said that and I wont say that again, seeing you upset makes me feel horrible and I hate seeing you upset." I say as I walk over to her and wipe the tears off her cheeks. She holds my hand on her cheek and smiles. We make eye contact, neither of us breaking it

"How are we still connecting, Snoke is dead, it shouldn't be happening anymore, I am unaware of what is causing this?" she asks, as we continue to look into each other's eyes. 

"Rey, I am happy that we can connect through the force, because if we didn't I wouldn't get to see you and hold you" I mention, placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"I don't want this connection thing to stop, I want to be with you but if this is the only way then lets do it" She says as she kisses my hand

Suddenly I am back in my chambers and Rey has disappeared. I love her and I think she likes me back. Now I need to get back to my training, for sure I wont be able to focus on it now. 

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