Chapter Two

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Kyle's POV"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Brody asks

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Kyle's POV
"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Brody asks

I quickly shut it off before he could see it. "No reason."

He smirks. "Talking to a girl?"

I shrug. "Something like that."

He chuckles. "Your girlfriend okay with that?"

I roll my eyes. "Tiana ain't my girlfriend."

My phone buzzes in my hand and I turn it on seeing Sarah had snapped me back. We've been snapping for seven days now. Not pictures but texting. She won't ever send pictures.

If I had to pick I'd say Aladdin. It was very disappointing.

What? I liked it

Then you have horrible taste

I grunt as I run into somebody. "Hey sexy."

I sigh. Not now. "Hey Tiana."

"Let's go get lunch," she suggests. I nod following her into the cafeteria.

I then pull her towards my friends. Montana and Tyler were sitting with us because obviously they are dating Chase and Brody. They aren't all together. I mean it would be hot for Montana but- Uh I'm making myself confused.

"Ugh," she groans. "Why are these freaks sitting here?"

"Say That again, I dare you," Brody growls, fisting his hands

"Oh right because you are one now," Tiana says. "Kyle can we sit with my friends?"

"Sorry, but I'm sitting with mine," I smile, sweetly at her. I sit next to Chase and I look back at Tiana who was about to scream. She storms off and we all crack up laughing.

"Why do you even sleep with her?" Brody asks.

I shrug. "She's easy."

Tyler and Montana roll their eyes. "Typical men," Montana mutters

I chuckle and raise my hand in surrender. "Sorry not sorry."

"She's such a bitch," Tyler says.

"Agree," Brody says, grabbing Tyler's hand in a firm grip with his.

A girl walks past and I slowly check her out.

Boobs? Check

Ass? Check

Hot? Check

"Hello sexy," I murmur. "Who is she?"

"Uh Elisa?" Montana says. "Tiana's servant."

Chase chuckles

"How come I've never seen her?" I ask. I know everybody.

"Maybe cause your eyes are on Tiana's jugs the whole time," Tyler retorts.

"Touché," I smirk. "You have a feisty boyfriend Brody."

Brody nods and smiles down at Tyler. "He's the best."

As soon as I get home I chuck my bag into the corner and plop down onto the couch.

I get my phone out of my back pocket and smile when I see a snap notification from Sarah.

Or whatever her real name is.

Sorry if I offended you with my last message

It's okay. I like that your honest.

I'm not that honest.

Did I also say modest.

Rude, but true

I chuckle and nearly scream when I see mum eyeing me in the hallway.

"Are you texting Tiana?"







I roll my eyes. "You know he ain't talking to us."

"So then who?" She asks.

"This girl," I mutter.

Mum jumps beside me excitingly. "Whats her name?"

"I don't know," I Answer.

She rolls her eyes. "Men."

"I mean she won't tell me," I explain. "She uses a fake account."

"How do you know it's a She?"

"She freaked out about a dick pic."

Mum slaps my arm. "Kyle!"

"Everyone seen it," I sigh. "It's not like I care. I'm proud of the size."

"Jesus Christ," Mum mutters. "Just be careful."

I nod and she kisses my cheek. She walks away and I look back down at my phone.

You still there?

Yeah just talking to my mum

Are u a momma's boy?

Pfft please. Chase is a Momma's boy

I didn't say it was a bad thing. I think it's cute.

Oh then I'm totally a momma's boy.

God your such a flirt

You know it baby

Don't call me baby

Sorry "Sarah"

My name could be Sarah

I know it isn't



That's not a reason

So what's your name?

Nice try

How about a picture at least?

I can't


You can't know who I am

Again why?

Because it won't only ruin me, it will ruin you too


You will!

Did I look like i gave a fuck about Brody being gay, or the fact that chase is in a wheelchair.


Okay what?

Meet me at Toni's at 8 tomorrow night

What will you be wearing?

That depends

On what

If I have the guts to show up

Don't bail on me

No promises

She goes offline and I groan clutching my hair.

Oh "Sarah" how you irritate me

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