Elisa Parkinson is a 18 year old popular nerd. They don't exist though right? Wrong. Elisa hangs with the schools bitch Tiana. Everyone thinks they are the best of friends. The truth is that Elisa does her homework in exchange for popularity.
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Kyle's POV "Why are you smiling at your phone?" Brody asks
I quickly shut it off before he could see it. "No reason."
He smirks. "Talking to a girl?"
I shrug. "Something like that."
He chuckles. "Your girlfriend okay with that?"
I roll my eyes. "Tiana ain't my girlfriend."
My phone buzzes in my hand and I turn it on seeing Sarah had snapped me back. We've been snapping for seven days now. Not pictures but texting. She won't ever send pictures.
If I had to pick I'd say Aladdin. It was very disappointing.
What? I liked it
Then you have horrible taste
I grunt as I run into somebody. "Hey sexy."
I sigh. Not now. "Hey Tiana."
"Let's go get lunch," she suggests. I nod following her into the cafeteria.
I then pull her towards my friends. Montana and Tyler were sitting with us because obviously they are dating Chase and Brody. They aren't all together. I mean it would be hot for Montana but- Uh I'm making myself confused.
"Ugh," she groans. "Why are these freaks sitting here?"
"Say That again, I dare you," Brody growls, fisting his hands
"Oh right because you are one now," Tiana says. "Kyle can we sit with my friends?"
"Sorry, but I'm sitting with mine," I smile, sweetly at her. I sit next to Chase and I look back at Tiana who was about to scream. She storms off and we all crack up laughing.
"Why do you even sleep with her?" Brody asks.
I shrug. "She's easy."
Tyler and Montana roll their eyes. "Typical men," Montana mutters
I chuckle and raise my hand in surrender. "Sorry not sorry."
"She's such a bitch," Tyler says.
"Agree," Brody says, grabbing Tyler's hand in a firm grip with his.
A girl walks past and I slowly check her out.
Boobs? Check
Ass? Check
Hot? Check
"Hello sexy," I murmur. "Who is she?"
"Uh Elisa?" Montana says. "Tiana's servant."
Chase chuckles
"How come I've never seen her?" I ask. I know everybody.
"Maybe cause your eyes are on Tiana's jugs the whole time," Tyler retorts.
"Touché," I smirk. "You have a feisty boyfriend Brody."
Brody nods and smiles down at Tyler. "He's the best."
* As soon as I get home I chuck my bag into the corner and plop down onto the couch.
I get my phone out of my back pocket and smile when I see a snap notification from Sarah.
Or whatever her real name is.
Sorry if I offended you with my last message
It's okay. I like that your honest.
I'm not that honest.
Did I also say modest.
Rude, but true
I chuckle and nearly scream when I see mum eyeing me in the hallway.
"Are you texting Tiana?"
I roll my eyes. "You know he ain't talking to us."
"So then who?" She asks.
"This girl," I mutter.
Mum jumps beside me excitingly. "Whats her name?"
"I don't know," I Answer.
She rolls her eyes. "Men."
"I mean she won't tell me," I explain. "She uses a fake account."
"How do you know it's a She?"
"She freaked out about a dick pic."
Mum slaps my arm. "Kyle!"
"Everyone seen it," I sigh. "It's not like I care. I'm proud of the size."
"Jesus Christ," Mum mutters. "Just be careful."
I nod and she kisses my cheek. She walks away and I look back down at my phone.
You still there?
Yeah just talking to my mum
Are u a momma's boy?
Pfft please. Chase is a Momma's boy
I didn't say it was a bad thing. I think it's cute.
Oh then I'm totally a momma's boy.
God your such a flirt
You know it baby
Don't call me baby
Sorry "Sarah"
My name could be Sarah
I know it isn't
That's not a reason
So what's your name?
Nice try
How about a picture at least?
I can't
You can't know who I am
Again why?
Because it won't only ruin me, it will ruin you too
You will!
Did I look likei gave a fuck about Brody being gay, or the fact that chase is in a wheelchair.