Chapter Seven

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Elisa's POVThings have been so great lately

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Elisa's POV
Things have been so great lately.

It's been a week since I embarrassed myself in front of my crush and the entire school by splitting my head open on a table.

But it's been great since that horrible trauma.

I mean Kyle hasn't said or done anything since that kiss on the cheek (which was amazing!), but I've gotten to know his friends.

Brody is gay and dates Tyler, Montana's friend. He has two younger sisters, one who had sex with Luke. The other was seven and well, that's a bit sick.

"Hey Nerd," Luke greets me, as I sit beside Montana, who was whispering into Chase's ear.

You'd think it would be romantic or dirty, but they are just telling each other jokes most of the time.

They aren't a normal couple. Which makes them more special.

"Hey Luke," I mumble.

Chase laughs and Luke and I stare at his weirdly. He can't see us looking at him so, Luke leans over the table and flicks his forehead.

Chase sighs. "Montana just made a joke about the canteen lady."

It's cute how close these four boys are. I swear they have their own language.

"Where's Mr and Mrs Wilson?" Luke asks.

"I saw them walking into the men's bathroom," I answer.

"Go Brody," Luke says, stuffing his face with pie.

"Where's Kyle?" Chase asks.

I bite my bottom lip in worry. Maybe he's with Tiana. Or another girl.

"Don't worry," Montana whispers, reading my thoughts. "He's probably just got held up by a teacher."

I nod and smile at her. "Okay."

"What's going on with you and Kyle anyway?" Luke asks.

I blush. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just guessing since you can't stop looking at him and he can't stop talking about you," Luke mutters.

I look at Montana for confirmation. "He talks about me?"

Montana nods. "Yeah."

I stand up and the two of them watch me. Chase just sits in his chair, his face looking confused. "I gotta talk to him."

I walk off and head towards the classrooms.


I turn around and smile timidly at Tiana. "Hi," I mumble.

"Where you going?" She asks, condescendingly.

"Uh to the library," I lie. "They have a new book in."

"That's funny," she laughs, walking closer to me. I walk back and this goes on till I'm up against the locker and she's in my face. "Cause the library is getting renovated at the moment."

I hiss under my breath. Stupid Elisa. "Uh-" I gasp and struggle for breath when Tiana starts choking me.

"If I find you anywhere near Kyle, I will kill you," she growls. She lets go and I fall to my knees, holding my throat and gasping for breath. "See you later, loser."

She walks away her heels clinking.

I slide up against the lockers and bring my knees to my chest.

One step forward, three steps back.

"Hey you," Kyle says wrapping his arm around my shoulder, as we walk down the hallway, after school. I quickly swat the hand off me, which makes him frown. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing," I lie.

"Does my breath smell bad?" He asks. "Damn I knew I shouldn't of eaten that garlic bread."

"Your breath is fine," I say, giggling.

We stop at my locker and I turn the knob and open it. He leans against the locker next to mine. "So what's the problem?" He asks. "You never used to mind me wrapping my arm around you."

After I finished unpacking my books, I slam my locker shut. "I just didn't want to today," I lie again. "No big deal."

"Elisa," he says, making chills go up my arm. "What's wrong?"

I look around the hall for her and don't see her. "Tiana nearly killed me," I whisper.

Kyles quiet for a moment and then laughs. "Oh god your funny Elisa."

He walks away and I glare at his retreating form, following him. "I'm not kidding," I hiss. "I came to talk to you about my feelings for you and she found me and pushed me up against the locker and choked me and told me that if she saw me near you again, she would kill me."

Kyle stares at me smiling. "You have feelings for me?"

"Kyle," I snap. "Was that all you were-" I cut myself off and gasp in horror. "Oh god," I whimper. "Oh god, oh god, oh god-"

"Elisa," he says, chuckling. "It's fine."

"It's not fine," I explode. "I was suppose to do that in a romantic way and then you'd say you liked me back and then kiss me or sweep me off my-" I stop talking when Kyle leans down and softly placed his lips on mine.

I drop my bag and he moves closer, gripping the back of my head. He pulls away and my heart thumps, as I catch my breath. He smiles down at me. "Like that?"

I nod, speechless.


Oh dear

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