Chapter Eight

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Kyle's POVElisa was a really good kisser

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Kyle's POV
Elisa was a really good kisser.

I wanted to kiss her again, but that bitch interrupted.

Tiana storms down the hall towards Elisa and I her boobs swinging.

Elisa squeaks and hides behind me.

"Hey Tiana," I say, smiling at her.

"Why were you kissing that slut!?" She snaps.

"Cause we are dating," I lie. Elisa gasps behind me.

Tiana's eyes widen in horror. "Are you kidding me? That loser?"

I glare at her. "Elisa isn't a loser," I claim. "I think she's the most prettiest, the most smartest and the funniest girl I've ever met," I growl.

"What about us, Kyle?" Tiana explodes.

"We aren't dating," I snap. "We were just fucking around Tiana."

Tiana screams in frustration and storms off.

"She's lovely," I say to Elisa.

"She's gonna kill me," Elisa grumbles.

"She's gonna have to get through me first," I murmur, leaning down and kissing her on the lips again.

She pulls away too quickly for my liking. "Look I'm not gonna be one of those girls Kyle," she says.

I frown. "Your not."

"I don't know that," she says. "We need to go slow."

The worst five words a guy could hear.

"Oh," I say.

"If that's too hard for you, then just say and I will walk away," she says, suddenly getting this boost of confidence.

I don't know if it's bad or really, really hot.

I walk closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist. "I'm not leaving," I say.

She smiles at me. "Good."

"How about we go out tonight?" I ask. She raises her eyebrow at me. "Like a date."

Her face brightens which makes my heart warm up. I take my hand in hers and we walk out of the school together.

Her hand was really small

Luke, Brody and Chase all burst out laughing as I tell them about what happened today.

I just glare at them as I button up my shirt. "I can go slow," I growl.

Luke laughs harder. "Oh god, your killing me."

"I'm serious," I say. "I like Elisa."

They all quiet down and look at me condescendingly. "You aren't joking?" Chase asks.

I shake my head. "I really like her."

"That doesn't answer my question," he says.

"He shook his head," Luke states.

"Sorry," I apologise.

"No biggie," Chase says. "So you want to be in a relationship with her?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Kyle is finally gonna settle down," Brody says. "Luke it's your turn."

I smirk and also see Chase smirking. See Luke has fallen in love.

With Brody's sister.

Brody doesn't know. He only knows they've fucked once. They've actually fucked three times.

I'm so proud of my Luke

"Hey don't you have to be at the diner in ten minutes?" Luke asks me.

I swear under my breath and grab my converses and run out the door.

After going through three yellow/red lights, I get to the diner with Two minutes to spare.

Elisa is already here.

And she looks beautiful.

She wore a purple dress that went just above the knees, cute white heels, that surprisingly matched the bag she was carrying.

"Hey," she says, smiling at me as I walk up to her.

"You look beautiful," I say, and lean in kissing her cheek.

Her cheeks turn red and she looks away. "Thank you," she mumbles.

"Where do you wanna sit?" I ask. "Table or booth?"

"Uh booth," she answers. I take her hand in mine and drag her towards a booth in the corner of the diner. She sits down and I sit across from her.

"Have you been here before?" She asks me.

I nod. "Before Chase's accident we came here every day after school."

"Why no more?" She asks.

"It's not wheelchair accessible," I answer.

"Oh right," she says. "So what did you guys do?"

"Uh we played waitress," I say.

"What's that?" She asks, excitingly.

I sign. "It's a really player game."

"Now I'm more curious," she says.

Before I could say anything the waiter walks over. He smiles at Elisa in a flirty way and I scowl at him. "Hey I'm Drake," he says. "Can I get you anything to drink?" The guy wouldn't even look at me.

I clear my throat. "Hey Derrick, I'll get a coke and she'll have an iced tea."

He scowls at me in distaste and storms off.

Elisa giggles. "You were so jealous."

"Was not," I argue.

"Okay," she says, still smiling at me. "Now what's Waitress?"

I sign and cross my arms. "It's where we point out a hot waitress and ask Brody who she'd go for out of Luke, Chase and I. Whoever he answers would go up and flirt with her and end up most likely getting laid."

"Your right that is a player game," she says.

Sadly that Derrick guy comes back and places down our drinks.

"A coke for you," he says to me. "And an iced teas for the beautiful girl in the purple dress."

"Dude," I growl. He looks at me angrily. "We are on a fucking date."

He scoffs. "You, Kyle Henderson? On a date? As if you just want to get into her pants."

I stand up, so we were chest to chest and shove him. "Say that again."

"Kyle-" Elisa gets up and the Derrick guy chuckles.

"You are just trying to get into her pants," Derrick says.

I hit him in the face.

Probably ruining Elisa and I's date.

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