Chapter Four - Exhausted

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She woke up on the ground. Dinah, or Black Canary, sat above her. Oliver, or Green Arrow, sat beside his wife. On the other side of Artemis was Will, Lian, Brucely, and Tara. Her niece had tears in her eyes, which confused her. Last thing she remembered was Violet telling Barbara and Dick how much she enjoyed high school. Why would that make Lian cry?

Artemis tried to sit up and Oliver helped her. Once she was up, she rubbed her eyes. They felt fuzzy, "What happened?" The archer asked. In front of her was Dick and Barbara. The rest of their friends were behind them. Dick was the one to answer her question.

"You passed out and started to seize."

"You're lucky you were surrounded by a bunch of medical professionals," Oliver added, "You should take it easy for now," Artemis nodded and the crowd disbursed. Brucely walked up to his owner and licked her fingers lazily. He whimpered.

"I'm okay, Pup," She smiled at her pet, but the truth was that she wasn't so sure.

Will sighed when they walked into their home. Lian was asleep on his shoulder. It had been nice to see everyone, yet it was draining. At some point all the kids wanted to run around, but since it was a cemetery and people were grieving, they couldn't do that. Eventually the picnic had moved to a nearby park and the parents let their kids zoom around.

He sat down in a kitchen chair and Artemis went to make coffee. He immediately raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you be resting and not making coffee?"

"And shouldn't you be skinny?" The blonde retorted as she started to fill the coffee pot with water.

"Please just sit down. You had a seizure today and I don't need you have another one."

She looked at her brother-in-law from over her shoulder, "Making a pot of coffee isn't going to start a chain of flashing lights. Plus, it'll do me some good. I'm exhausted."

Will made a thinking face, "You've been really tired after that mission in Venezuela."

"I'm a Tigress, raising a three year, and a college student all at the same time, Will. I'm always exhausted."

"But didn't those guys in Venezuela prick you with something? Maybe they infected you with some sort of neurological disease? It would explain the seizure," He suggested. It took her back a bit. She had been injected with something while on a convert mission. Ever since then, she was more fatigued than usual. Will was right about that. But he couldn't be right about this. She would've known if she was sick.

The blonde sighed, "Watch the coffee. I'll put Lian to bed," Before Will could say anything else, Artemis picked up Lian and started to walk to her bedroom.

Lian hadn't moved while Artemis held her, but once she laid her down, the three year old started to wake up. Artemis smiled down at her as she tucked her into her blankets. Lian frowned when her aunt turned away and reached out for her, "Aunty Mouse."

"Yes, Baby Girl?" She turned back and crouched down by her side.

"Will you be okay?" Lian stared into her eyes with the sadist look Artemis had ever seen a child make. Even the children she saved never looked quite so upset. Lian was intelligent and she knew something was wrong with her aunt, even if Artemis didn't know there was something wrong with herself.

The blonde kissed her forehead, "I am okay, Baby. Don't worry, okay? Don't worry."

"Okay, Aunty Mouse," Lian continued to frown, "Can you slept with me?" The archer nodded and hoped onto the bed with her. They pulled Lian's pink blanket over themselves. Lian cuddled up against her aunt, immediately. They laid in silence for few minutes, until Lian asked, "Can you tell me a story?"

"Which one?"

"The Wonder Woman one," Wonder Woman was one of Lian's favorite superheroes. Tigress was her number one, of course. Then it was Diana. Kid Flash was tied. Third was Red Arrow. Artemis would make sure Will knew she was Lian's favorite even on her death bed. Maybe she would put it in her will? She wouldn't put it pass her.

Artemis cleared her voice with a dramatic hum, which made Lian laugh, before telling her the story, "There's this island called Themyscira. On the island, there's the Amazons. It's hidden to the rest of the world. It was a gift from the gods. It was meant to protect the Amazons."

"Which were all girls, Aunty Mouse!"

"That too. Now let me tell the story," She playfully rolled her eyes, "The Amazon's queen is Hippolyta. She wanted a baby, but no baby gods would deliver her one. So she-

-She asked Zeus and Hera!"

"And what happened next?"

"And Hippolyta made Wonder Woman out of sand, her blood, and Zeus' lightening," Lian kept telling Artemis about the history of Wonder Woman. When she finished, Artemis was half way asleep. She was beyond exhausted.

"Aunty Mouse?" Lian whispered when she closed her eyes.


"One day, can you tell me your story?"

Artemis nodded, "One day, when you're much older."

"Promise?" Lian held her tighter and burrowed her head into her aunt's shoulder. Artemis tucked her chin on top of her head and held her tighter too. For some reason she felt as if she didn't hold Lian securely enough, she would slip away and leave her all
alone. And abandoning Lian would have been the biggest mistake of her life. She knew it was the biggest mistake of Jade's life. Artemis could never do that.

"I promise, Baby Girl."

A/N: Sorry this update took so long! Hope this chapter made it up <3

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