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Ever been told that you have to now chase your destiny that's going to kill you, and yet you feel weirdly excited? Yeah, I've never heard of it either... but for Taehyun the case was the exact opposite.

He understood the seriousness of this mission and yet he was the happiest person in the world right now.

He'd been trying to escape the dungeons of his room for years in a row and now that he'd finally gotten the chance... he was happier than Soobin when Yeonjun had baked bread for him.

"and how exactly are you going to tell the entire kingdom about this sudden quest?" Beomgyu questioned, his arm automatically finding its way around Taehyun's shoulder making the younger shrug.

"I'm not..." he muttered making Yeonjun pause quickly before pulling Taehyun's arm to make the boy face him.

"What the hell do you mean?" he questioned staring the younger down making Taehyun return his look with an equally powerful one.

"Well... I was going to sneak away in the night and leave Namjoon hyung in charge" he muttered making Yeonjun's eyebrows furrow.

"Taehyun- there's a reason Namjoon hyung was banished... there is absolutely no way the queen would let him get back on the throne"

Taehyun's glare sharpened. "The queen isn't in charge anymore. I have come of age and even though I haven't been crowned official king yet- I am in charge of our kingdom" Yeonjun smirked before ruffling the younger's hair and patting his head.

"Good job running authority King Taehyun" Yeonjun grinned before playfully shoving the younger and bowing before rushing towards his cottage.

Taehyun and Beomgyu walked in silence for the rest of the walk over to the castle as well Taehyun was the prince and Beomgyu was the stable boy.

"Prince, you know he's right... you can't just abandon your kingdom. You don't even know if Namjoon hyung will accept." Beomgyu muttered as Taehyun sighed in frustration.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Taehyun? and, yes! namjoon hyung will accept I'll make sure of it. If he doesn't then I'll- I'll-..." Taehyun's voice broke with each word as he struggled on what to say.

Regain yourself Taehyun! this is your kingdom and you've been placed in charge to keep peace and to maintain control. You'll do fine and if hyung doesn't agree then you can simply run your authority and- no taehyun you're his brother for god's sake, just ask him as a younger brother and he wouldn't refuse you. 

"I'm sure he'll agree to it- as long as I explain, plus... the kingdom doesn't have to know that it isn't me. we can report in that I'm sick and that hyung will be taking my place- then he can work from behind the scenes, only you, yeonjun and, hueningkai have to know." taehyun muttered, aware of the fact that he was putting all his trust in his stable boy, general in training, and the jester's son. 

"I just don't want any of you to be held accountable if the queen finds out about this whole ordeal" taehyun explained in a collected manner but beomgyu could tell that the prince wasn't as composed as he currently looked. 

"your majesty- I mean taehyun, we will not fail you. I put all my trust in you and hope that you realize how great of a prince you are" beomgyu smiled kindheartedly, his words cheering up taehyun a bit as beomgyu stayed with him until they reached the palace gates from were his knight guided him to his room. 

"prince... thee seems disturbed. Is there anything bothering thee?" his knight, Jimin, questioned through a concerned face, his question making taehyun sigh. 

"knight hyung... I'm going to trust you with something. You have to swear to me that this information will never go past you to the queen. You have to promise me hyung" taehyun requested, his bottom lip quivering with uncertainty as Jimin bowed to him, startling the living guts out of the young prince. 

"prince Taehyun. I swear my loyalty to thee and thee only and vowe to serve and protecteth thee, even if should beest to my harmeth, I shall forever beest by thy side, and by my word" Jimin spoke, his eyes gleaming with loyalty and sincerity, his sudden confession and promise surprising taehyun. 

"h-hyung I-" 

Jimin grinned as he stood back up, "thee does not have to say anything else" he smiled, his eyes curving into small crescents. 

"Thank you hyung. I still need to formulate a plan for this decision but tomorrow I need you to summon Beomgyu, yeonjun, Hueningkai, Soobin, Chancellor, the king of arms, the herald, the Chapelmaster and... Namjoon hyung and his significant other. The queen must not be informed of this meeting and if any of them refuse, threaten them with their jobs. I don't care how you do it, but bring them to the courtroom tomorrow and make sure the maid of honor takes the queen out the palace at that time. please hyung" taehyun requested, Jimin nodding to every word before bowing to the prince and leaving the room. 

when Jimin left the room, Taehyun collapsed into a heap on his bed. His mind was running in confusion, his one getaway which used to be him leaving the palace had now turned into a responsibility. 

Taehyun loved his kingdom. He loved everything about the magical kingdom of Xania and kept to his duties regularly, but Soobin was dying and so was the forest that guarded and protected Xania and it was after all his supposed destiny to restore The Hemlock and Shadow Woods, but taehyun still felt complicated. 

He wanted to get out there, on his horse and ride away into the forest. He wanted to feel the breeze rushing through his hair and wished that he wasn't going to be crowned king. Throughout his childhood, he'd been having tons of responsibilities. His brother used to be there to share the tasks, but he'd been banished later and everything had fallen atop taehyun's head. 

Thoughts of what it would be like to be free enveloped his mind as he drifted off to a peaceful sleep, his mind ringing in anticipation of going on his quest. 


In case any of you are confused, this is what each other jobs is lol:

beomgyu: stable boy (handles and grooms the horses)

yeonjun: army general in training (trainee warrior)

hueningkai: the jester's son (going to be the guy who entertains soon)

Jimin: knight (in charge of taehyun's protection)

Chancellor: kinda like the head of the court. Taehyung. 

The king of arms: Senior in the royal army. Jungkook. 

The herald: An officer in the army. Hoseok. 

The chapelmaster: The main music guy who is in charge of music played in court. Yoongi

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