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The wind was a subtle mix of warm and cool air as it brushed past Taehyun's face and hair, his eyes scrunched lightly because of the speed he was traveling at. The early morning sky was a beautiful shade of purple as the sun's edges were seen rising from the edge of the world.

Taehyun grinned when he spotted the palace gates, he was aware of the fact that the entire kingdom was going to find out about what a troublemaker Taehyun was through this and that the guards were going to try and follow after him, but at this point, all that mattered to him was escaping the courtyard walls.

"SLEEPYHEADS! MY MOM DOESN'T PAY YOU FOR YOU TO SLEEP, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BABYSITTING ME REMEMBER?" Taehyun exclaimed in a playful tone, the galloping of Meyli's hooves awakening the guards immediately.

"CATCH HIM! WE CAN'T LET HIM LEAVE!" one of them screamed as the cat and mice chase began. The feeling of irritating all the people who irritated him was exhilarating and calming to Taehyun. He chuckled loudly before turning around and blowing a raspberry at the general. Then out of nowhere, his nanny entered riding on a horse, her perfectly tied bun in shambles and her nightgown fluttering because of the rushing wind.

"PRINCE PLEASE! DON'T ACT OUT YOUR EMOTIONS THIS WAY IN PHYSICAL ANGER AND PLEASE THINK ABOUT YOUR KINGDOM!" Her exhausted shriek came through in the form of bare nothingness as Taheyun laughed at her usual speech.

"POINT ONE, YOU CANT ORDER A KING AROUND, POINT TWO, IM A KING AND POINT THREE, A KING CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS" He bellowed in response, before spinning himself around on Meyli's back so that he was now riding backward. He grinned at the spectacle the guards were causing before childishly placing his hands in front of him.

"I've left a small note in my wardrobe. Just give it to the queen when she decides to fire you and it should stop her from doing so" With a small smile on his face, Taehyun discoursed. The nanny's expression shifted from a scowl to a warm smile upon hearing these words.

She looked right into the eyes of Taehyun before muttering a light, "Take care, my prince".

Taehyun beamed at her before spinning right around, his lips curving into a small smile. "Sayonara" he exclaimed, flailing his arms around in the air and then gripping onto his trusty steed.

He patted her side twice before muttering a few words into her ears, this making the alicorn neigh loudly. It took a few seconds but the alicorn spread her wings and launched herself into the air. Taehyun grinned lazily while his hair flowed around, eventually ending up in a mess.

"Good girl lili, now I'm aware of the fact that both you and your wings are huge and easily spottable, so I'm going to need you to disapparate and appear again down there" he whispered, pointing to a secluded spot in the brambles outside the forest. Meyli neighed loudly making Taehyun chuckle in response.

"Don't worry about me lili, I'm not a beginner when it comes to parkour" he grinned before leaning down and positioning himself.

One, Two, Three, "NOW!" As Taehyun had instructed, Meyli dissolved into the air. Taehyun was launched into a freefall of doom.

He pried his eyes open in panic as he scanned the area he was trying to land in. The land was solid and looked pretty painful with millions of thick and overgrown roots holding the earth captive.

"God, save me" he muttered before spinning himself around so that his arms were now facing the ground. The wind was screaming against his ears and his bones had all been turned to jelly as he closed his eyes.

If he'd timed himself right, then this was it. He kicked his legs into the air and directed his body towards the area with trees. When the height was lower and the trees were grabbable, his hands reached out and held onto a branch. Taehyun did a full 360-degree flip around the branch before letting go of it and grabbing another branch.

Sure, he may have looked like a baby monkey flailing around in the trees, but this was working. The branches helped him steady his speed as he did one last flip before launching himself into the air and right onto Meyli's back.

She snorted before neighing lightly and sarcastically flipping her hair. Taehyun understood what she was saying and scoffed.

"I am not a show-off" he muttered with a pout before jumping off his alicorn. His legs guided hi towards the entrance of the forest which was completely covered with overgrown roots and thick brambles.

Carefully, Taehyun placed his palm on the brambles and closed his eyes. His eyes immediately shot open and he jumped back in shock when the bramble reached out and grabbed a hold of his pinkie.

"What the heck" he muttered, as he attempted to free himself from the brambles but the roots refused to let go of him. They continued to wrap themselves around his fingers and eventually around his entire palm.

Meyli neighed loudly as she attempted to bite at the roots and free him from but to her avail, the branches started wrapping themselves around her as well. The alicorn attempted to free herself by disapparating but it was almost as if her magic had been blocked.

The branches continued to wrap themselves around Taehyun and meyli as Taehyun struggled with it, kicking and biting at it to keep it away but it was now almost halfway around Taheyun.

He felt his breath quicken as he started to panic, trying to break the vines off but losing hope and standing still when they wrapped himself around his entire body, his mouth, and nose the only parts that were still free.

Then darkness engulfed him and his breathing suffocated as the branches completely wrapped him up in a cocoon. The lack of air lost its bearability a minute later and Taehyun felt himself panic and lose his consciousness.

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