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To say that there was a lot going on in Taehyun's mind at the moment would've been a huge understatement. Not only was the boy completely nervous at his lack in planning skill, but he was also excited for the adventures to come.

In other words, Taehyun was both terrified and excited which he thought together made the worst combo of emotions to feel before a possibly life threatening journey.

"You got everything you need? have you taken your sword? what about a spare shield? the potion that you were given? Don't forget to be careful ok? oh and-"

"I'll be fine namjoon hyung. I don't need you parenting me right now" Taehyun quickly retorted with a small frown on his face making jin chuckle before handing him a pouch.

"yeah, shut up namjoon. Here kiddo, take this- it has four kinds of magic essences in there alright? every time you use one you can wish for one thing- well there's a limit on what you can wish for but still... just dont die ok?" jin ruffled the youngers hair gently, before attaching the jute pouch to his belt. 

Taehyun grinned, "don't worry about me and take care of hyung for me please" he muttered before climbing atop his trusty stead, meyli.

"We're going to have really fast if we want to get away from these guards mey, so lets-" Taehyun was interrupted by a small shriek from inside the small cottage by the stables as a flustered looking beomgyu quickly ran out.

"wait taehyun! you can't leave without this" he whisper-yelled as he shoved a small rock into Taehyun's palm.

"My grandfather gave me this incase if I ever went on a quest... but I figured it would be more fitting for this quest that you have. It changes color depending on what direction you're facing at it'll help you navigate around the forest." he paused quickly to smile at Taehyun, "north is blue, south is yellow, east is like a glue and west is mellow" he quickly recited, his lips widening in a grin as he attempted to hug taehyun.

"Take care prince. oh, and try not to die please" beomgyu requested, his small frame backing up and cheekily grinning at taehyun as the other three boys came running out of his cottage as well.

"we have presents for you too!!" hueningkai cheered silently before handing him what looked like a small colorful hand sewn pouch.

"This is to keep all the things you get from us in. I won't lie, I did steal a strand of meyli's hair for it's essence so that i could finish it faster, but don't mind it was for the greater good after all." Hueningkai quickly scrambled, grinning cheekily at Taehyun before handing him the pouch.

"Thanks kai" taehyun smiled before placing the rock inside the pouch but before he could tie it up, yeonjun snatched it from him.

"and so that you don't die of hunger or thirst ms. prissy butt, soobin and i went on a hunt for a phoenix feather and found one. bright side is that, It'll give you whatever you wish from it. Downside is that it'll work only once every day, so take care of it and of yourself of course" yeonjun mutte, swiftly placing the feather inside the pouch and tying it shut.

"take care of yourself prince. there are a lot of dangers inside that forest that have been hungry for decades since their guardian closed the forest and disappeared, you can't let any of them get to you" he advised before leaning in and whispering something into taheyun's ear, confusing the spectators.

"What did you tell him?" Hueningkai was quick to question his hyung who simply shrugged, confusion written all over his face.

"I-I don't r-remember" he silently muttered, before gripping at his horns as if yelling at them to give him his memory back.

"that's strange, I can't remember either. I know what you told me but I can't form the words out loud? Like, it's in my mind but I can't remember how to say it" taehyun muttered in a confused notion, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He was soon to regain his composure as he looked at all his friends and hyungs.

"well, I guess I'll be off then. take care of each other and don't miss me too much" he grinned before grabbing his pouch back from yeonjun and placing it in his small leather sling bag.

He nodded one last time as everyone waved at his figure which was glowing a faint blue, he whispered a few words in Meyli's ear and in lightning fast speed she took off in the direction of Shadow Woods.

Kang Taehyun had no idea what was in store for him, but he had a weird sensation in his chest that everything was going to be alright.

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