Best Friends

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Libby's POV

I woke up and walked straight over to my shower. I didn't bother with doing my hair so just slipped on some grey Hudson and Rose joggers and a black tank with You Complete Mess written in white. I did light make up as I wasn't going in to rehearsal today. I applied some concealer, mascara and cherry chapstick. I put my hair up in a messy pony tail then slipped on my white combat boots and made my way downstairs.

Louis and Liam were in the kitchen.

"Morning Libby! How are you? Did you sleep well?" Liam smiled sweetly at me.

"Morning boys! I'm good and I slept fine thanks." I smiled back making myself a cup of tea to wake me up. Harry walked downstairs a few minutes later.

"Hey guys! Libby did you call your choreographer?" He smiled awkwardly.

"No I forgot I will do that now as it is supposed to start in half an hour." I remembered bolting up the long staircase. I took my phone off of charge and dialled Sues number.

S - Hey Libby how are you?

L - Hey Sue. I don't think I am going to come in today because of some things that have happened.

S - It's alright love! Take all the time you need.

L - Thanks Sue. I will be there tomorrow!

I hung up then went back downstairs. By now all of the boys were downstairs. Perrie was also here.

"Hello Perrie!" I said in surprise. "Don't mean to be rude but I thought you were going last night?!" I smiled at her.

"It was getting late and Mr. Over Protective over here would not let me leave!" She stuck her tongue at Zayn who held his hands up in surrender. I grabbed an orange at started to peel it.

"So what time is the photo shoot?" Niall piped up.

"11 and it's 10 now so get ready!" Harry replied. I was dressed for the day as I wasn't doing anything so I watched some TV whilst I waited for the others. I put on Toddlers In Tiara's.

"That dress should not be on a four year old!" Zayn said from behind me.

"I know but I am literally addicted to this show!" I laughed.


"Okay Libby come to the dressing room with us and then you can watch the photo shoot." Louis beamed. We had just arrived at the photo shoot and Harry had been keeping his distance from me. I miss having a brotherly figure here. They are all like the brothers I have never had but Harry and I were closest. I would talk to him today.

We walked into a huge dressing room and a woman greeted all of us.

"Libby this is Lou our stylist. Lou, Libby is our friend who is staying with us for the rest of the week." Liam introduced us. A woman with long hair that had a slight pink tint in it smiled at me.

"So it's Lou, Lou and Lou!" I laughed pointing at myself, Lou and Louis.

"And this is baby Lux!" Niall picked up a cute toddler.

"Why hello there!" I cooed at her.

"Wewwo." She replied with her fingers in her mouth. She buried her head into the crook of Nialls neck making all of us aww.

"Don't be shy Lux! This is Libby, our friend. She's very nice!" Zayn smiled at her.

"Wewwo Wibby." She smiled with her fingers still in her mouth.

"Horan! Get your butt in the chair! Give Lux to Liam." Lou ordered. Niall handed Lux to Liam who started reading a book to her whilst Niall sat in a black chair facing a mirror. I walked over to Harry who was sat on the small sofa.

"Can we talk?" I whispered. He looked at me, smiled slightly, nodded once and stood up. We walked out of the dressing room and into the empty corridor.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" I looked at him.

"I don't really know! I guess I feel a little awkward because of what happened!" He sighed running a hand through his messy hair before shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Don't feel awkward Harry! There is no need to!" I smiled taking his hands from his pocket in my hands.

"But what about you and Luke?!" He asked.

"I will talk to him tomorrow. I will listen to what he has to say and explain to him what happened. He will probably be mad at first but if he loves me like I love him then he will forgive me." I told him.

"So you forgive him?" He asked kind of upset.

"I don't know. I think so." I looked at our hands. Our fingers were intwined but I didn't mind. I thought of it in a friendly way.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"I am really sorry about that kiss! I didn't know that this would happen! I didn't know that I would get those feelings for you and vice versa." I choked out starting to tear up. A tear escaped my eye and before I could wipe it away, Harry tilted my head up by putting his hand on my chin. He smiled slightly and wiped away the stray tear.

"I'm glad it happened." He told me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "If you didn't kiss me then I wouldn't be able to understand what the feelings I get when I'm around you are. I would be so confused and annoyed like I have been since you have been staying with us. I am glad but can you please do one thing for me?!" He explained.

"Of course what is it?" I look into his emerald eyes.

"Stay with Luke. He is lucky to have you and you deserve someone like him." He hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Friends?" I asked.

"Best Friends!" He smirked before hugging me again.



Hey guys! Sorry I'm only doing short updates at the moment but I will be updating a lot more soon. I have been really busy so I will be picking it up and making it more interesting soon!

Love you all! Xx xx xx xx xx xx.

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