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"Yeah sure," the one really curly hair said.
"Thanks," I said as I sat next to Niall and his friend with perfectly styled hair.
"So Elizabeth, this is Zayn, Harry, and Liam. Louis should be coming," Niall told me as he pointed to all the guys.
"Hi, I'm Elizabeth," I started scratching my wrists.
It was quite awkward being honest. Niall and Harry kept asking me questions, Zayn, Louis, and Liam were all engaged in a conversation. Sitting with 5 guys, they could be planning on raping me, oh my gosh Elizabeth breathe. I quickly got up and ran outside to catch a breath.
"Elizabeth!" I heard Niall shout. I just kept running. I made it outside. The cool crisp air that made you see your breath.
"Elizabeth you need to breathe," I kept telling myself. "They aren't going to hurt you." Nobody was out here, so nobody heard me.
"Elizabeth!" I turn and see Niall. "Are you okay?"
No I'm not.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, scratching my wrists. "I just needed air."
"Really? Your eyes are puffy and tears are streaming down your face, what did we do?" he said looking down towards my hands.
"Yeah, well I started sneezing and it got out of hand."
"You're lying," he told me. "I can tell you are lying, you don't have to lie to me. I know we don't know each other but I'm pretty sure we have met before we met in the hallway a few weeks ago."
"Thanks Niall, why don't you make fun of me like the others?"
Just as I asked him that a few school popular girls walked by and yelled, "You are a bitch! You aren't worth shit!"
Tears started streaming faster. That's more cuts tonight.
"Niall, forget what I asked you. We should head back," I told him.
His eyes looked like they were filled with sadness.
"Liz," he already had a nickname for me. "What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" I asked sitting on the bench.
"Why did you run out?" he asked once again.
"Fine. I needed to breathe." I spilled, "I was thinking about some things and I just needed to breathe. Come on, it's getting cold."
Niall stood up and gave me his jumper, "here, you need it more than me."
"No I don't, I already have a jumper on."I handed it back to him, "thank you though."
We walked back into the cafeteria. Niall stuck a piece of paper into my hand and sat down. I looked down and saw numbers. I wrote on the back my number and handed it back to him.
The day dragged on and on and I wanted to go home and get my blade. I needed it. Scratching doesn't help. Nothing helps besides my blade.
The ride in the car was agonizing.
The ride seemed so much longer than it actually was. I got home and saw that nobody was home. Jaden has soccer practice today so she won't be home till later, mom has to work late, and lord knows what Robert is doing. I got inside and ran upstairs. I threw my bag on my bed and ran in the bathroom. I slammed the door and slid down it, crying.
I grabbed my blade, took off my sweater and red polo, and stayed in my sports bra, and cut.
Every word that those popular girls said was one cut, every single time I scratched my wrist today was a cut.
I heard a familiar song going off and saw my phone going off next to me. I answered it.
"Elizabeth?" a familiar voice asked.
"Yeah," I said breaking down.
"Oh my god, are you okay?"
"No, I'm not would you stop fucking asking me that!"
"I'm coming over!" I heard him shout in the phone, next I heard the dial tone.
I didn't even want to move to the shower or anything. I just sat against the door crying. Nobody could stop me.
I could totally do it. I see a tie and my shower head can hold my 145 pound body.
"I'm fucking done!!!" I shouted into air as I started sobbing.
I grabbed the tie and tied it around my neck. I reached up to the shower head when I the door was burst through and I saw Niall.
"Elizabeth!" his expression changed completely.
"Niall I have to do this!!"
Niall ran over and picked me up, I struggled to get out of his grasp, but I couldn't.
"Niall, let me fucking go."
He let me go and I fell to the floor. I was sobbing into my knees.


"Niall, let me fucking go," she said in the most stern voice.
I let her go in the middle of the hallway and she fell to the floor.
I just witnessed someone try to commit suicide. She was sobbing into her knees and I sat next to her and lifted her onto my lap, I took the tie from around her neck and pulled her into my shoulder. she sat and sobbed for a good 45 minutes. I kissed her head every few minutes to reassure her that I was still here for her. I lifted her and stood up and sat on the floor against her bed. I put her in between my legs and she leaned against me. She was still in a sports bra, but I could care less.
Finally she could speak, "Niall, you don't have to stay. I'm not a charity."
That hurt, did she think today was all for charity.
"Who said anything about charity?" I asked her. "Look I know we met like once, then today at lunch, but you have been going through my mind like crazy. I knew something was going on the day I met you, you were scratching your wrist, and your jumper came up a little on your wrist and I saw a cut."
"Niall, I cut again. Just before all that happened," she showed me her wrist. It was bad.
I grabbed her wrist and kissed her scars and reopened scars.
I looked into her eyes and she kept staring. I finally made the move and kissed her, it was slow and yet passionate. I barely knew her but it felt like I've known all about her. She let go first and she put her head into my chest.
"Thank you Niall."
She stood up and grabbed a sweater from one of her drawers and examined her neck.
"Elizabeth, wanna go see a movie with me in a few nights?"
"I'd love too." I kissed her cheek and we walked downstairs.


Kill me! omg I'm literally crying and then Where Do Broken Hearts Go came on and yeah. A lot happened in the chapter:)

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