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Tyler's POV

I was enjoying a Christmas lunch with Jenna and her family when my phone started ringing. I saw it was Josh and I just assumed he wanted to say Merry Christmas so I left it. I was going to talk to him later. Once the phone stopped ringing I realised that Josh hates calling so it had to be important.

From Josh: Tyler
From Josh: call me now
From Josh: please
From Josh: it's important

I look up from my phone.
"Excuse me. I will be back."

"Yo, what's up?"
"Tyler, Tyler." He says frantically, I could tell his anxiety was getting the better of him.
"Josh, breathe in and out. That's it now tell me what happened."
"Anna is in hospital."
"What? Why? Is she ok?"
"I don't know. Gerard was with her but then she collapsed. Pete, Brendon and Sarah are with her now and we haven't heard anything."
"Ok umm. Do you want me to fly out?"
"No it's fine. Stay with your family."
"Ok but just keep me updated."
"Of course Ty."
"See you."

I hang up on Josh and immediately call Brendon.

"Brendon is she ok? Josh just told me what happened."
"She's stable but severely dehydrated and underweight. Tyler she stopped eating again."
"Do you want me to fly out?"
"No, no we'll be ok enjoy your Christmas."
"Ok but if you need anything, anything at all, call me."
"Thank you Tyler."

Brendon's POV

I hang up on Tyler and at the same moment Anna wakes up.
"A? Hello."
"What happened?"
"You're in the hospital kid, you passed out. Hang on I'll go get a nurse."
I walk out of the room and find a nurse who follows me in the room.
"Hey Miss Urie, how are you feeling?"
She shrugs.
"Anna, you need to eat something ok?"
"Anna," the nurse say sympathetically, "I know it's hard but you need to. I'll be back." She leaves and I grab her hand.
"A, you need to eat something."
"No dad I'm fine."
"No you aren't this is why you are in hospital. You need to eat."
"No I don't."
"Anna please."
"I can't." She cries, tears falling down her face.
"Yes you can, just something small."

The nurse comes back with a plate of food and some juice.
"No. No, no, no." She cries and shakes her head. I hadn't seen her struggle with food like this before. How did she go from having fun and laughing to crying at the sight of food?
"Anna please eat. Your body is fighting to keep you alive. Help it and eat something."
"Anna your body won't be able to keep you alive for much longer."
"Maybe I don't want to live!" She yells.

"Anna?" Pete says from the door, Sarah next to him with coffee.
"No." She cries.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"I don't want to eat. I can't Pete don't make me."
"Oh kid, I know it's hard but you need to."
"Ok Anna I can see this is causing you much distress, I'll leave you for now but I'll check on you soon." The nurse says and leaves the plate of food with us.
"Love you can have anything, I'll go grab it if you need just please eat something." Sarah says, worried.
"Leave me alone, please." She whispers. We nod and I kiss her forehead before leaving her.

Anna's POV

They leave and I silently cry and push the tray of food on the wheely table away. I was just getting worse.

Don't fucking eat you fat pig
You're worthless
No one gives a fuck
I'm not eating

I don't know how long I was there for but I soon here a knock at the door. I assumed it was a nurse and without looking at the door I say, "go away please."
I turn my head and sit up at the familiar voice and start crying, again.
"Oh kid, what's going on?" He embraces me in a hug while I cry.
"I can't do this. I ruin Christmas. My first Christmas with a family and I screwed up. Dad hates me so does mum. I can't eat and I want to freaking die." I sob and shake. He runs his hand through my hair to calm me down.
"Anna you need to eat you're at a dangerously low weight. And if you don't have any food for your body to burn it will eat at your muscle and your heart is a muscle. We need you here kid. Nothing is worth hurting yourself over, nothing."
"I want to go home." I whisper.
"I know but they probably won't let you go until you are safe."
"Can you stay?"
He nods.
"Can you lay with me? Please?" I ask quietly. He smiles and lays on the bed with me. I place my head on his chest and fall asleep to his beating heart.

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