Capítulo 11 El dinero importa

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Descargo de responsabilidad: ¿Sabemos cuánto dinero tenían los Potter en sus bóvedas? Si no, no soy dueño de la franquicia de Harry Potter; pertenece a JK Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros. y a quien sea que haya vendido los derechos.

Capítulo 11 El
dinero importa

Harry fue sacado del reino de Morfeo por un suave resoplido. Al abrir un ojo, apenas pudo distinguir la mancha blanca que se sentaba en la cabecera de su cama. "Buenos días, Hedwig". Al igual que con Dobby y Xeno, de alguna manera ella sabía que él y las chicas eran del futuro, y ella estaba muy molesta porque él no la había buscado de inmediato. Afortunadamente había restringido sus vengativos picotazos a sus oídos y manos, que él había curado tan pronto como ella estaba fuera de la vista. Considerando lo enojada que había estado, sintió que era mejor que ni siquiera intentara engatusarla en su jaula, sino que le había pedido que volviera a Surrey a su propio ritmo.

Ahora que estaba despierto, buscó sus anteojos mientras su estómago retumbaba en protesta por no recibir la cena. Se había quedado dormido prácticamente tan pronto como la adrenalina de su pelea con Vernon se había dispersado; su exposición a Cruciatus puede ser curada, pero todavía había algo de fatiga persistente por su relleno mágico después de la experiencia. Arrastrándose de su cama, miró por la ventana y vio que los dos autos de la familia se habían ido, lo que significaba que tenía la casa para él solo, no que estaría allí por mucho tiempo esa mañana.

After luxuriating in a warm shower for half an hour and changing into clothes that weren't rumpled from being slept in, he strolled into the kitchen and almost nonchalantly flicked a finishing charm from his wand at the Ministry's ward node. He would prefer to shut down the ward permanently, but that would require disabling all of the nodes, casting a magic-dampening spell on the entire neighborhood, and then using magesight to track down the wardstones and remove them. Quite frankly, he had better uses for his time, especially since he would spend the days he wasn't with the girls rebuilding Potter Manor.

Another growl from his abdomen reminded him of his priorities. "Dobby," he called out, and the elf appeared in a soft pop.

"Master Harry calls Dobby! What cans Dobby does for Master Harry?"

"Could you make me some breakfast? I don't care what, just make sure that Hedwig has plenty of bacon."

Dobby nodded at his usual frantic pace. "Dobby be making lots of rashers for Her Owlness."

Shaking his head at the elf's title for the owl — not that she wouldn't demand to be referred to by it if she could speak — Harry idly watched the pans and food flying through the air, eggs in a conga line waiting to be fried and sausages frolicking in a buttered skillet. Soon enough the entertainment was over, and Harry dedicated his attention to satisfying the beast in his belly while Hedwig, who had joined them midway through the show, contently munched on her greasy bacon. Once finished, he pushed himself away from the table. His plate vanished before he could pick it up, causing the snowy owl to glare blearily at Dobby. If he knew his bird as well as he thought, and he did, she would diligently eat the last crumb of pork before taking her day's rest.

He returned to his bedroom and found the key to his Gringotts vault. He pictured the Leaky Cauldron in his mind's eye, spun on his heel… and nothing happened. Frowning, he attempted to Disapparate again with the same results. Odd, I distinctly remember Fletcher and Dumbledore Apparating and Disapparating around here. He placed the tip of his wand against his right temple. "Oculos magicae."

The magesight charm provided a long-lasting passive effect when cast on lenses, like his glasses or Omnioculars, but it was meant to be used for the short term on the eyes themselves. The dome of the blood ward flared into existence, its surface racing with numbers and symbols. He ignored the formula displayed and twisted his wand as if it were a dial. The ward blurred and faded, but there was nothing outside of its protection, so he slowly spun the holly shaft in the opposite direction. Just inside the blood ward, threads drifting to the Ministry's node, was a thin white ward. He glanced at the runes drifting lazily across the surface and swore. "I was right, an Apparation ward with an additional charm to blind the Ministry to anyone coming in or out. Dumbledore probably cast it, which means he's the only one who can key people in. Well, he may want me isolated in this dump, but there's more than one way to skin a Kneazle."

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