Capítulo 7 Diligencias de último minuto

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Ahhhh ... Sé que los últimos capítulos han estado llenos de tragedia, angustia e información de fondo. Finalmente , tenemos uno que está dedicado casi por completo al humor de una forma u otra.

Antes de comenzar, me gustaría agradecer especialmente a Paladeus. No solo concibió el desafío que hizo posible esta historia, sino que también la recomendó en el último capítulo de su historia Death's Pride . ¡Gracias de nuevo!

Descargo de responsabilidad: ¿Harry siempre tenía prisa por empacar y llegar a King's Cross el 1 de septiembre, generalmente debido a cierta familia de jengibre? Si es así, no soy dueño de la franquicia de Harry Potter; pertenece a JK Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros. y a cualquier otra persona a quien le haya vendido los derechos.

Capítulo 7
Diligencias de último minuto

Los adolescentes son notoriamente malos para mantenerse al día con sus posesiones; Es simplemente un hecho de la vida. Poner a cinco de ellos juntos en un dormitorio por un término o dos, y es una catástrofe esperando que suceda. Ponga a cinco de ellos juntos en un dormitorio por un período o dos sin supervisión de un adulto , y la habitación no tiene que esperar para convertirse en un desastre; Ya ha sido demolido.

Tal fue el caso con el cuarto cuarto de niños de Gryffindor. El piso estaba cubierto de ropa que habían olvidado colocar en la cesta para que los elfos domésticos la limpiaran; envoltorios de caramelos y piezas de juego, principalmente Gobstones y piezas de ajedrez, se esparcieron al azar por todas partes; y cada niño necesitaría pedir ayuda a los demás para encontrar cualquier prenda de vestir que les faltara. Incluso la cama y la cómoda que pertenecían a Harry, que estaba obsesivamente ordenado en comparación con sus compañeros de cuarto, eran un desastre total.

Harry, having walked inside just after nine in the morning, stared in mute horror. After he had to live on his own, he had regained some of the cleaning habits he developed at the Dursleys', though not to the extreme Petunia had taken them. What was normal and acceptable for him at fourteen was far worse than he was willing to deal with at twenty-four, even if only in his head. All I wanted to do was get all my stuff together and have it ready for the elves to take to the train when we leave in a couple of hours, not deal with this! I don't recall everything that belonged to me at this time, and I have other things I would rather use my time for than looking through this entire dorm for my clothing. He moved to his trunk and checked inside for his invisibility cloak – he stuffed that into a space-extended pocket – photo album, and Firebolt. At least my most valuable belongings are where I left them. Now what am I going to do for the rest of my things?

"Master Harry Potter sir needs Dobby's help?"

He spun about, wand sliding into his hand from his sleeve with a wandless summoning charm, and he shoved the tip in between tennis ball-sized eyes, which crossed to keep the business end of the focus in sight. "Dobby, don't scare me like that," he said, quickly withdrawing his wand. "Now, what did you just say?"

The elf shuffled on his feet, still a little upset about making his master unhappy. "Dobby wanted to know if Master Harry Potter sir would like Dobby to help get all of master's things."

"Yes, that would be wonderful. Thanks, Dobby." Dobby regained his normal spirits with Harry's words and clapped his hands. From under beds, behind a dresser, and even inside Ron's trunk, items flew over to them. Another clap had them neatly arranged and in his luggage, which was now standing on its side and waiting to be whisked down to Hogsmeade station.

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