Capítulo 14 Lo bueno, lo malo y lo estúpido

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Descargo de responsabilidad: ¿Dolohov se escapó con casi matar a Hermione? Si es así, no soy dueño de la franquicia de Harry Potter; pertenece a JK Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros. y a quien sea que haya vendido los derechos.

Capítulo 14
Lo bueno, lo malo y lo estúpido

El sonido de los pasos atrajo la atención de Harry del diario de Charms que había estado leyendo. Tan pronto como vio que la llegada era Miranda Granger, supo que las cosas iban a volverse muy incómodas muy rápidamente. Cerró la revista y tocó la conveniente 'mesa' sobre la que descansaba. "Luna, ya es hora de que nos vayamos".

Levantó los ojos de su propio material, una novela romántica sensual que vio en la habitación de Hermione. Con un asentimiento de acuerdo, ella estaba fuera de las vueltas de sus amantes, dejándolo para que captara la atención de la morena. "Mione", dijo mientras la empujaba. No hubo respuesta, no fue un hecho inusual, por lo que cubrió las páginas de su libro con una mano.

"¡Estaba leyendo eso, Harry!" espetó antes de notar a su madre. "Oh."

"Yes, oh. Mrs. Granger, it was very nice of you to let us come over today, but Luna and I should go and leave you three to your dinner."

The older woman hesitated before shaking her head. "Are you sure you don't want to eat with us? It's no trouble."

"Thank you, but no," Luna said as she smoothed out her sundress, which had risen during her time on the couch. He blamed Hermione and her wandering hands. "Daddy is having some friends over, and he always wants me to meet them. Harry, though, would certainly be more than willing to join you."

"Wonderful, one more won't be a problem."

"Aren't I supposed to get a choice in the matter?" Harry wondered aloud.

The two women spoke simultaneously. "No." Luna leaned over and kissed him, then turned and did the same to Hermione. With her lovers happy and Miranda bemused, she bounded over to the bags of school supplies they had picked up in Diagon after their jaunt to Little Hangleton and Disapparated with a loud crack.

"Well," Miranda said after a few moments, "Hermione, your father's going to be a little late, but could you go ahead and set the table, please? If it's not too much trouble, Harry, would you help me make a quick salad? Hermione told me that you know your way around a kitchen."

"Of course, Mrs. Granger." They walked into the kitchen, and he set out a pair of knives while she pulled several vegetables out of the refrigerator. They worked in silence for a minute or two, the only noise coming from the chopping blades.

"Do you mind my asking a personal question?"

He glanced at the elder Granger. "I don't, so long as you understand I may choose not to answer."

"Hermione told me about the relationship between the three of you, and I was wondering what your views were about it."

So she's going to take an oblique approach. He had expected something like this to happen after the three of them decided to spend the rest of the day here. "It's not easy, not for any of us. Our relationship isn't any more normal to the magicals than it is to Muggles, so we have that to contend with, but we each have personal hurdles as well. Luna's been getting a crash course in Muggle life since both Mione and I grew up in this world, but I don't think she believed us until today when she could actually see what we were talking about. Though I adore both of them, I have two girlfriends who are extremely strong-willed and far more intelligent than I am, which can make it difficult for me to keep up with them when we disagree. Hermione… well, she still has issues occasionally with being in a trio rather than a couple, and it took her a while to accept her orientation.

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