Capítulo 6 La trama Sickens

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Descargo de responsabilidad: ¿Alguna vez Harry recibió tratamiento por el hambre y el abuso físico que sufrió en manos de los Dursley? Si no, no soy dueño de la franquicia de Harry Potter; pertenece a JK Rowling, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros. y a quien sea que haya vendido los derechos.

Capítulo 6
La trama Sickens

Hermione y Luna finalmente lograron convencer a Harry de ver a los estudiantes Beauxbatons y Durmstrang alejarse, y cruzaron las puertas principales a tiempo para ver el barco oscuro en el Lago Negro deslizarse debajo de la superficie. Se apresuraron hacia la multitud, esperando al menos despedirse de Fleur. Puede que solo haya interactuado con ellos unas pocas veces ahora, pero se habían acercado a ella después de que ella y Bill se separaron de la familia Weasley después del Gran Desastre de Pociones. Como sus dos amantes estaban algo afectados por su Allure, él había pasado la mayor parte del tiempo con ella cuando las dos "parejas" la habían visitado. Sus conversaciones amistosas comenzaron a incluir que él la buscaba para pedirle consejo, y pronto se convirtió en la hermana mayor que siempre había deseado crecer; si hubiera podido recurrir a ella cuando todavía era un estudiante, no lo haría

Los carruajes de color azul polvo parecían listos para partir, los caballos alados en sus arneses y el equipaje almacenado en el interior, pero todavía había estudiantes revoloteando por los terrenos, pasando unos momentos hablando con un grupo de estudiantes antes de apresurarse a otro. No recordaba que nada de esto sucediera la última vez, y una mirada a las chicas confirmó sus temores. Algo estaba muy mal.

"¡Arry Potter!" gritó una voz aguda. Se dio la vuelta a tiempo para ver una pequeña bola de energía rubia plateada antes de que volara hacia su pecho, tirándolo al suelo.

What is it today with being pounced on?, he thought as he looked up at the eight-year-old Veela. Gabrielle Delacour, Fleur's little sister, darling of her family, and from the panicked voices of the other French students, pint-sized trouble-maker. She showed no hurry to get off of him, instead babbling away in French and making wide sweeping gestures, occasionally taking a short break to poke him. "Er, Mione, can you tell me what she's saying?"

When there was no response, he glanced her way and scowled. She was right there, trying – and utterly failing – to hide her laughter behind her hand. She caught ahold of herself and said, "Well, Harry, she seems to think that only an absolutely horrible person wouldn't be here to tell her goodbye, so she had to run around and look for you because only something dreadful could have kept her hero from—" She snorted again, then made a quick comment to Gabrielle before she continued, "—from coming over so you could meet your future in-laws."

"My future what?!"

Luna by now had cracked up as well and stood bent over at the waist, her head somewhere below her knees and her rear bobbing around as she nearly convulsed in giggles.

"Your future in-laws, Harry, weren't you listening? You saved her from the lake, and since she is her daddy's little princess and you're her knight in shining armor, you have to—" Another snort or two came from Hermione, even as she hid her face in her hair to withstand the temptation of further laughter, "—have to follow the fairy tales and take her home to your French castle and live happily ever after!" The battle lost, she fell to the ground, face flushed and gasping for air.

Harry stared at his loves in shock, dismay, and not a little betrayal. They were supposed to stand by him through thick and thin, and the first disaster they encounter in this timeline, the two of them were laughing at his misfortune. Laughing! He looked at Gabrielle from the corner of his eye and frowned even more; she had joined the two fair-weather friends in their mirth, not knowing enough English to realize she was the source of it.

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